Sonoyta Still Hot!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Surprised Jerry hasn't posted about this yet, he must be slipping in his old age.

I haven't posted in forever but I've been creeping from a distance like 98% of our members... Haven't been down since last May but still keeping up on Sonora.

Looks like Sonoyta is still hot, not that we didn't already know that but again, good to be aware.

Joint operation in Sonoyta...ártel-de-sinaloa-en-sonora-.html

AP article



The operation was a complete flop..,.arrested some ranch hands,a few gunmen but no big fish......better luck next time


If injured in Sonoyta it might be a good idea to avoid the Red Cross....might wake up in a bathtub full of ice with one less kidney the way these jokers roll...


At a clinic in Sonoyta there have been multiple cases of people being suckered into paying 3000 peso's for ambulance to Penasco because they are in a near death state....then never mind you are pk

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
At a clinic in Sonoyta there have been multiple cases of people being suckered into paying 3000 peso's for ambulance to Penasco because they are in a near death state....then never mind you are pk

The title says, "They sell public security (insurance) to the narco". Well that's weird. I always donate to the red cross when I come through Sonoyta after what happened to me in 2010. Should I take the Red Cross sticker off of my dash?! Kind of thought it was like a sponsorship... I have been proud to display my hipster red cross sticker on my dash when Im down south...
Hey Joe....

Last week, during our three hour wait to get back to USSA at the San Luis, Sonora crossing we were approached by three twentyish slim, young long haired cuties with tight cut tailored Red Cross vests and little collection bags. I saw them hit up and get some cash from almost every car in the lineup. By the time we made it to pole position I saw them pullin' off the vests, ballin' em up and headin' south. They were really yuckin' it up, struttin', slappin' each others butts and went into one of the whore bars just off the main drag.

I don't think your hipster sticker means anything to the locals other that you got SUCKERED! and they all know it. Ever see loclas drop some coin on em?

Wait till you get to Guymas and see em in traffic. If you don't pay up they smash their empty buckets into your truck.



Last week I talked to someone whose family lives in Sonoyta. She said they do not like the tourist because they drive thru town and only spend money at PEMEX on the way out. The tourist go spend all their money in Penasco and do all the charity work for Penasco. Dog food, and clothes etc. I never thought of that.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Last week I talked to someone whose family lives in Sonoyta. She said they do not like the tourist because they drive thru town and only spend money at PEMEX on the way out. The tourist go spend all their money in Penasco and do all the charity work for Penasco. Dog food, and clothes etc. I never thought of that.

Do you regularly spend money in Gila Bend or Ajo/Why when passing through? No difference. I used to travel to the White Mountains a lot and I don't ever recall spending money in Heber/Overgaard although you do HAVE to pass through it. I understand their plight but this is the classic "you're a gringo give me your money for no reason" card. Ever go to the Malecon and have a business owner verbally give you shit for not wanting to spend money in his or her store??? Happens all the time because I'm white, I must have money to spend on shit that neither I want or need because there is an unspoken obligation to spend money as a gringo tourist while in town. There is no obligation to do anything that I do not wish to do EVER. I'm broke but still enjoy spending my time in Rocky Point however, I am not obligated to spend money regardless of how they perceive me.

The people of Sonoyta and much of Rocky Point need access to simple education in business. Provide something that I NEED and you will make money. I guarantee if you opened up a "get out of a false speeding ticket business" by buying a $5 pass to get through Sonoyta, that business would kill.

Who wants to stop in Sonoyta when police harassment is at an all time high? I'd be happy paying a $2 per vehicle tax to pass through without altercation EVERY TIME down. There you go right there. Of course we know that money would NEVER make it to the people that need it.

Lastly, even the businesses that make money and have something that I NEED still pay EXTORTION FEES to the MAN so in the end it is hard to make a living in Mexico at this time of unprecedented corruption and collusion. Ever think about that?
Hey Marybna and Joe,

The fine art of ripping off travelers has been around as long as mankind has been in the travelin' mood. The good ole' USSA has always had some of the best.

Back in the 40's and 50's the worst of the worst were little family owned "one horse" towns where there was one gas station, one restaurant, one motel, one cop and one Justice of the Peace. Grand dad was the station owner and Judge, the two or three sons were the cop, gas station attendant and mechanic. The mom and daughters were the cooks, waitresses and maids at the motel.

The typical scenario was as follows: Mindless, trusting Bob his wife and two kids are headin' from LA to the Grand Canyon. They stop at the Big Tee Pee filling station in Buggerville Az to gas up, he leaves the fill up the the attendant and goes to take a leak while the wife and kids check out the eatery for a snack and soda pop. The car now unattended is in the hands of son # 1, Homer. Homer is checking under the hood and has a nice big screwdriver in his pocket that he uses to punch a nice big hole in Bob's radiator. Bob and family return to their car, fire it up and continue on their merry way.

Ten or fifteen miles down the road Bob's radiator overheats, the cylinder head gasket blows and God forbid the scorching engine seizes up. So who ya gonna call? Of course the only service station within miles, the Big Tee Pee. They arrive with a tow truck, son #2 Bert, the mechanic hooks em up and a fifty dollar tow later they are back in Buggerville. Bert looks at the engine, says no problema we can get you a cylinder head gasket in just two days. Meanwhile you can partake of our fine dining and the only lodging for a hundred miles in any direction.

After two wonderful days eatin' greasy grub and the fine lodging without any AC, Bob and la familia are on the way, less four or five hundred bucks that they planed on spending on their vacation. Pissed off Bob speeds off into the sunset only to be pulled over by the only cop, son #3 Maynard for excessive speed. Maynard tells Bob to follow him back to Buggerville to meet with the Judge about the ticket. It's after four in the afternoon and the Judge won't be back in his office until 9 the next morning.

Guess what Bob and la familia must do now? Another nite in Buggerville!

Nothing has changed nor ever will. The worst of the worst are STILL IN BUSINESS. Just look at Gila Bend, Ajo, Sonoita, Puerto Penasco, El Golfo, San Luis RC and San Luis AZ, those towns and hundreds more still exist on the Rip Off Highway of unwary travelers.

Just sayin'



Sonoytas new mayor is commonly viewed as in the pocket of the Memos gang.The people of the town are in bad shape and fear their leaders.....word is they have a new scam,go through your stuff and threaten to jail you for drugs like sudafed ...the cost to get out is 500 us dollars....but everything can be negotiated...

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Sonoytas new mayor is commonly viewed as in the pocket of the Memos gang.The people of the town are in bad shape and fear their leaders.....word is they have a new scam,go through your stuff and threaten to jail you for drugs like sudafed ...the cost to get out is 500 us dollars....but everything can be negotiated...

Is that "supposedly" happening to Americans or Nationals?

Beach Sand

User is currently banned
Hey Marybna and Joe,

The fine art of ripping off travelers has been around as long as mankind has been in the travelin' mood. The good ole' USSA has always had some of the best.

Back in the 40's and 50's the worst of the worst were little family owned "one horse" towns where there was one gas station, one restaurant, one motel, one cop and one Justice of the Peace. Grand dad was the station owner and Judge, the two or three sons were the cop, gas station attendant and mechanic. The mom and daughters were the cooks, waitresses and maids at the motel.

The typical scenario was as follows: Mindless, trusting Bob his wife and two kids are headin' from LA to the Grand Canyon. They stop at the Big Tee Pee filling station in Buggerville Az to gas up, he leaves the fill up the the attendant and goes to take a leak while the wife and kids check out the eatery for a snack and soda pop. The car now unattended is in the hands of son # 1, Homer. Homer is checking under the hood and has a nice big screwdriver in his pocket that he uses to punch a nice big hole in Bob's radiator. Bob and family return to their car, fire it up and continue on their merry way.

Ten or fifteen miles down the road Bob's radiator overheats, the cylinder head gasket blows and God forbid the scorching engine seizes up. So who ya gonna call? Of course the only service station within miles, the Big Tee Pee. They arrive with a tow truck, son #2 Bert, the mechanic hooks em up and a fifty dollar tow later they are back in Buggerville. Bert looks at the engine, says no problema we can get you a cylinder head gasket in just two days. Meanwhile you can partake of our fine dining and the only lodging for a hundred miles in any direction.

After two wonderful days eatin' greasy grub and the fine lodging without any AC, Bob and la familia are on the way, less four or five hundred bucks that they planed on spending on their vacation. Pissed off Bob speeds off into the sunset only to be pulled over by the only cop, son #3 Maynard for excessive speed. Maynard tells Bob to follow him back to Buggerville to meet with the Judge about the ticket. It's after four in the afternoon and the Judge won't be back in his office until 9 the next morning.

Guess what Bob and la familia must do now? Another nite in Buggerville!

Nothing has changed nor ever will. The worst of the worst are STILL IN BUSINESS. Just look at Gila Bend, Ajo, Sonoita, Puerto Penasco, El Golfo, San Luis RC and San Luis AZ, those towns and hundreds more still exist on the Rip Off Highway of unwary travelers.

Just sayin'

You obviously don't know what you are talking about when you are referring to Gila Bend and Ajo. And please do not speak of the great county of the United States of America as you have, many of us have great respect for it and your rhetoric only belittles your self and your respect you so desire. Thank you.


Fronter @ sonoyt @.... The Tranquility of the scourges that advocates of the government through its website sonoyta in motion.... Was interrupted the morning and rest of the morning of today by registering a number of shootings in our community.... Well into the early morning hours were heard heavy calibre weapons for the sector of the colony center, and between 10:00 and 11:00 in the morning in the very centre of the city there was another shooting... We ask our community shelter in their homes and for any reason to be exposed to be in the crossfire between criminals and authorities,.... According to reports comes a strong operational, to deliver the plaza or to fight it... Something more to our community be careful commenting on, or that acseda to their family data the page of the narc government sonoyta in motion, it's not anything other than the cover of the drug dealer and the government..... But the decision is yours.... Fronter @ SONOYT@....