Labor Day Weekend - Border Traffic

What can we expect for Labor Day traffic?

We plan on driving into Rocky Point on Friday.
We plan on leaving on Tuesday (as I hear Monday is bad).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Would leave early on Friday as the wait to get in on holidays seem to be getting longer. Coming back on Tuesday is better than Monday but still could be awhile at the border.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


If Memorial Day is an indicator we arrived at the border Friday at +/- 1:00 PM and crossed into Mexico at 2:45 with a 2-1/2 mile back-up.
Go early if you can.
+1 on going early. If you are at the border by 11am there should be less than a 30 minute wait.
After 12pm it can be 30-120 minutes depending on how many cars get the red light entering Mexico.
We had several ppl leave on Monday, and this was the consensus...
Car #1 - Left RP @ 07:30am experienced a 20 minute wait
Car #2 - Left RP @ 02:00pm experienced a 4 hour wait

Several ppl in our group decided to leave on Tuesday, and didn't experience any wait :)

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
We had several ppl leave on Monday, and this was the consensus...
Car #1 - Left RP @ 07:30am experienced a 20 minute wait
Car #2 - Left RP @ 02:00pm experienced a 4 hour wait

Several ppl in our group decided to leave on Tuesday, and didn't experience any wait :)

Using this model you can basically assume all major US holiday weekends are congruent. IMHEO you either leave at 6am or 10pm... anywhere in between is noman's land.


Well, I waited ALL DAY and I never did even get out of town let alone get across. The model I use is congruent with relaxing:cool::cool::cool:
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