Land Grab Gigante?


Talked with a top marine biologist with deep ties with Mexican counterparts.It appears some of this is righting old wrongs but the stuff from San Jorge South to Kino is a series of pure land grabs.Everyone that heads down isolated roads to the camps should be careful.Stangers are not too welcome these days


Jerry, they have already, using eminate domain laws have started taking parts of ejidos from El Golfo to Penasco, but here they are being paid or will get paid, but not too much. One Ejido based in San Luis received they're check and decided not to even split it up...not worth the trouble...Ejido Lopez has approximately 26, 000 hectares inside the nucleus of the Pinacate reserve and will probably be taken, under eminate domain law... The ejidos in these parts have really only been good for one thing, let the poor ass members work for years and years taking care of the land, and then when it looks like it might be worth something.....Bam that's when they find out they were only baby sitting the land for the rich......thought I might add about Lopez nothing privatized will be touched, so don't get excited, they only want what is east of the railroad tracks..
Like my wife and her family among others that own the original papers to ejido Lopez and got scewed by others. I know what you are saying


Chris a opener at Santo Tomas has spent 7 k helping the fishermen in the crazy court case...the judge in Caborca tried to ignore a court order from Nogales by saying the armed eviction carried out by Caborca Police did not happen! He had forgot the video exists.
Closer to town the Ex Homeport lead man and crook is at it again "
Continúan los robos de terrenos NACIONALES en Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, sin que la Secretaría del ramo, SEDATU, haga algo al respecto. Resulta que el narcotraficante de cocaína Alfredo Vergara Álvarez, en colusión con varios funcionarios de la Secretaría, está vendiendo terrenos nacionales a ciudadanos extranjeros con total impunidad. Mientras el narcotraficante se vanagloria de ser amigo del Secretario de SEDATU, el Licenciado Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín, funcionarios de la misma Secretaría renuncian a llevar a los Tribunales Federales Agrarios las ventas fraudulentas de terrenos nacionales, solapando así todo tipo de delitos, y admitiendo fraudes a ciudadanos mexicanos y americanos.

Sin embargo las cosas pueden cambiar si la justicia federal no se colude. El Juez Cuarto de Distrito en Nogales, Sonora, Licenciado Edgar Israel Flores Del Toro, en el juicio de amparo numero 211/14, tiene bajo su responsabilidad el que se acabe la incertidumbre en la tenencia de la tierra, en perjuicio de los inversionistas extranjeros y nacionales. Este juez decidirá quien debe conocer estas irregularidades, si es el juzgado civil de Puerto Peñasco, encabezado por el juez Licenciado Víctor Manuel Flores Soto, y donde el narco tiene su red de intereses, o deberá ser los confiables Tribunales Federales Agrarios los que deban conocer y defender de estos robos a todos los mexicanos.

Al parecer los terrenos robados valen más de mil millones de pesos, y colindan con el Mayan Palace y el nuevo aeropuerto.