Search results

  1. StephenHeisler

    Hey all my Puerto Penasco friends... remember the ad we did on Beach Bar Radio for Tony Kaufman and RockyPointTony. com? We even created a logo and T-Shirt to help promote his business. Tony started making promises about his November payment in late October, only to come up with some lame excuse...
  2. StephenHeisler

    Puerto Penasco's Vitality Spa

    Puerto Penasco's Vitality Spa has joined and we encourage all of you to visit and like their Facebook Page. Also listen for their spot on the air. Resort quality spa services without the resort prices... Vitality Spa is not a secret...
  3. StephenHeisler

    Viva Vaquita.... a t-shirt with a porpoise

    Unlike some endangered species that have no place left to live in the wild, the vaquita's home in the Gulf of California/Sea of Cortez is clean and healthy. The only real problem is the gillnets that entangle and kill vaquitas. If these can be moved out of the small area where vaquitas occur...
  4. StephenHeisler

    Born in Puerto Penasco and now serving the world. Practice makes perfect and we really got this one right. Please take a few minutes to check it out and let us know what you think. Please call (970) 823-2246 or 970-82-BEACH and tell us where your favorite beach is? If it's good, you may hear...
  5. StephenHeisler

    Beach Bum Radio

    Did you like GoPenasco Radio? We've taken things another step further with this new project and I think you all are going to enjoy it.
  6. StephenHeisler

    GoPenasco Radio

    Our own Rosie Glover lends her voice to Puerto Penasco's Classic Rock blend. We've changed the place around a bit and are looking at a few different streaming options. We have a lot of friends from the hockey world tuned in and look forward to adding a lot more. We could certainly use some...
  7. StephenHeisler

    Reason # 107 for moving to Mexio

    ...hazards of the afternoon rush hour.
  8. StephenHeisler

    Wall of Water

    Shot from the 3rd floor right before high tide on Friday
  9. StephenHeisler

    Is it true what Queen says about...

    fat-bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round...
  10. StephenHeisler

    Uh...this is good

    Reyna and the solista GoPenasco Radio
  11. StephenHeisler

    Mañana-itis is a Mexican Epidemic

    Seven months into my existence as an expat in Mexico, I've managed to remain immune to the catastrophic epidemic of Manana-itis. This condition has been linked to tardiness and empty-wallet syndrome. I've relaxed and am going through a phase of my own that has left me with a serious discontent...
  12. StephenHeisler

    Pic of the Day...GoPenasco Radio Style

    Here ya go...
  13. StephenHeisler

    Baja Dreamin'

  14. StephenHeisler

    Bike Rally Pics

    I just posted an album on Facebook from the Rally...was interesting to say the least. Facebook
  15. StephenHeisler

    Got Corona?

    I've kind of adopted the Modelorama on Jaurez just down the street from Burger King. Laura speaks English and is just fantastic. Cousin Rosita is a beauty but I always call Rosita Miss Mexico. Their prices are the best in town for Corona Extra. Ends up costing $200 pesos a case if you can hold...
  16. StephenHeisler

    GoPenasco Radio

    Why? Because I could... will be adding station ID's and could even add daily weather and tidal updates as well. As the site nears launch, this is another neat addition to the brand. Follks around the globe are able to pick this station up on their computers, ipads, smart phones, as...
  17. StephenHeisler Coming Soon!

    Never one to sit around, I found a hole in the online coverage of this community, and wanted to do something a little different to shed a positive light on living or visiting Puerto Penasco. is being developed with the entire community in mind. Fully integrated with Facebook, the...
  18. StephenHeisler

    Rainbow Over Cholla Bay

  19. StephenHeisler

    Does this boat need help...

    I am looking out from our deck and this boat was throwing a TON of black smoke into the air... I am new here, so tell me what you all think.