Federal Investigation of Border Patrol in Ajo

Y’know . . . I will suffice it to say that passing through the Ajo area over the last few years has been an in-the-face demonstration of where promises and billions in additional funds are really being dispensed. It is as intentional and well-planned as those other promises that lure us from awareness. But then I digress. . . must breathe deeply . . . stifle my comments . . . and focus on the sounds of the surf. . . .


I wonder how many taxpayer dollars will be spent investigating this fiasco. A staggering amount most likely. And we all know what the final verdict will be; a small fine and a slap on the wrist at best.
I wonder how many taxpayer dollars will be spent investigating this fiasco. A staggering amount most likely. And we all know what the final verdict will be; a small fine and a slap on the wrist at best.
Already been done. In 2009 $27 billion ADDITIONAL funds were requested of Congress for border security in the Southwest, plus 100 ADDITIONAL agents. Since then we have been seeing a tsunami of fancy buildings, houses, vehicles and agents.


I wonder how much just that stupid tent alone at the border crossing cost???? Along with their handheld computers to scan our license plates as we leave!!!!
Enough so that the Vendors who sold them are Smiling and Smiling even more, because us taxpayers I am sure were hosed.:eek:
I mean $600k each for a proper Ajo house (state of the art) it should have cost less than $160k, with the solar system
The trailers are at $200k each. Must be a beaut. of a mobile home. They could of gotten some really nice 40ft class A motorhomes
for that price.
Pretty sad that this happens a lot with Govt. contracts.:mad:
Off my soap box.


and the majority of people complains about the corruption on third world countries, all they have to do is OPEN their eyes to their own (USA) government practices and see that this government is the one that "offers" the mordida to other govs and some time so boldly that "normal" people does not even notices it is happening in front of their noses!!!
However, if the people STOP getting off their soap boxes maybe the gov will start to change for the better!!!! IMHO


I see the logic of having the housing together for security but this is the blueprint learned by civilian contractors in Iraq...bleed Unkle Sam while you can. A friend that worked as a deputy out of Ajo visited Penasco a few years ago and was told the head of the Plaza had is picture among others on a board...with his Ajo address....he quit and now sells insurance