Again the usa goes off half cocked

Again the US Gov has gone off half cocked and said all of Mexico should be avoided. Why don't they tell people to stay out of parts of Phoenix, or parts of New Orleans or for that matter almost parts of every larger American city in the USA.


My theory is the U.S. and recently California really don't want us to be going to Mexico or any other country and spending our dollars. Why is it before almost every holiday or break in the last year there has been travel warnings going into Mexico? I tell all my friends I feel safer in Rocky Point than I do when I go to my favorite little mexican food joint in Phoenix.
did anyone see the ch 10 fox news item at 5 pm ? popular sheriff babeu names rocky point as a place to avoid due to cartel meetings here, plus much more. they will likely repeat the item at 9 pm. it may also be online. is it possible we are in a 4th world country?


Spanish Mackerrel
Oh my, is this good ad or bad?

this story has been plastered on every news show in Phoenix, blah, blah blah and in ROCKY POINT....... so blah blah and then the godfathers gather in ..... ROCKY POINT ....... to plan against drug pirates in the routes in ARIZONA. They scheme a plan to send killing squads to kill and destroy the Arizona drug pirates.

I say if you are going to have a meeting, why not at the best beach resort town next to Arizona? Who is going to go after these nefarious drug pirates if not the Lords of the Desert?

Lets wait until we start finding the "heads" JanB was fore seeing.
What a visionary Ms Brewer.


In an interview to the sheriff Babeu by channel 4 in Tucson, this is what I guess seem important:

Local News

Babeu sites security concerns over travel to Mexico

Posted: Oct 15, 2010 7:26 PM

PINAL COUNTY - Pinal County Sheriff, Paul Babeu, is speaking out on traveling to Mexico, saying he would never go there for safety reasons.
Babeu stated, "I would never go to Rocky Point myself, and if any family member of mine was going to Rocky Point, I'd say please do not go to Rocky Point."
In an interview today, he referenced the murderous attack of the Rocky Point Police Chief along with several other incidents.

However some people New 4 Tucson has spoken with, like Scott Jeffery, says Rocky Point is a very safe place. He travels to Rocky Point nearly every weekend because his wife and son live there.
Jeffery said, "We have never encountered any problems whatsoever. I really take umbrage to the fact that people can make comments like that about a community that is very welcoming, very friendly, and very safe."
The U.S. Government has issued several travel warnings to Mexico this year, but they also mention that touristy towns are working to protect Americans on resorts.


For some one that has so much fear of going to RP I question: when was the last time he went to RP? he has a lot to say about how bad it is, which really is nothing other than he wouldn't go.
Now, Cabo if you read the whole story about the meeting that took place in RP by all these drug cartels, which by the way they are killing each other, as we speak wouldn't you think that such a meeting would have created such a tense situation that the whole town of RP would have known about it, or they just sat around the table sipping their tea eating crumpets with cream!! please what a bunch of crap this baboon (spelled Babeu) is trying to feed the people, I guess since the actual government is not sending warning he is creating his own.
I just wish that all these people talking bad about Mexico understand that the violence between the drug cartels is not all over Mexico but in specific areas/towns but then again sensationalism is what sells and inquiery minds wanna know!!:eek:
So we have "all" the major players in the drug smuggling.....who are at war among themselves....having a sitdown in Penasco....back around May????? And none of them took the opportunity to knock their competitors off? I could believe this if the violence hasn't continued from the May timeperiod.....but give me a break!!!! And the Penasco "mob" didn't know about this? Or sat by while it was going on? Where did they one of the condo resorts? Or maybe at La Curva? :rofl:

Such an influx of "players'...with their bodyguards sure went unnoticed....right????


Spanish Mackerrel
Inka, that is why the title "is this good or Bad".

Sometime any press is good regardless of content.

The Mafiosy decided to go to a Beach resort, and chose RP. GOOD choice

Everyone knows Baby has an agenda so what ever he says is deeply discounted. Good, his words are not taken seriously.

Mexican Beach town work hard to protect their source and so they treasure the "tourist" GOOD.

The Mexican Mafiosy want to get rid of the drug Pirates, they have done a good job in Mexico, and now they look to clean up the Sonoran desert. GOOD, no one like pirates.

Pirates are BAD. Unscrupoulous, cold thiefs.

Good Business men choose Rocky Point to meet and form plan to get rid of BAD elements.

Rocky Point is GOOD safe destination for all good people.


This seems to happen at least once a year for the last 15 years. If you swim in the ocean the sharks might bite off you appendages too. If you go out in trhwe woods without a '458 magnum a bear might bite you' if you use a public toilet you might get crabs.... heysoose cristo!
If the the drug cartels find Rocky Point a safe place to have there meetings. Then thats good enough for me.

Cholla Bay


I know for a fact that RP is a main place for mules to leave from to take drugs to the US. I stayed at a mule stop over hotel until I found out what it was.
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Glad I am NOT a bandit. I guess I can go relax by the beach now and drink more beer !!!!!!!! Thanks for the thread Kenny


makes you wonder whether people is voting disapointed, because the baboon is an idiot or because they are as stupid and think that RP is full of violence since they have not been there for a few years and love to go by what someother people say!!


Quote : The memo said, "We just received information from a proven credible confidential source who reported that a meeting was held in Puerto Penasco in which every smuggling organization who utilizes the Vekol Valley was told to attend. This included rival groups within the Guzman cartel."

Interesting language "told to attend". Makes it sound like someone was giving orders, not a request. Who might that be ? Who COULD that be, given the conflict among the various groups. Smells a little funny to me.


The money men that control the Military/Prison industrial complex are looking for the perfect War/Corrections Stimulus Plan. That comes together here on the the Mexico front. Create a climate of fear with these fake stories,pray for some dead tourists,set up huge prisons to hold the 11 million Mexicans they want to deport and bring the troops home from the twin Clusterf##cks Iraq and Afghanistan to their new bases on the MEXICAN border and even Puerto Penasco/Sonora. The amount of gold coming out of Sonora right now and in the future is staggering.Our country has a history of stealing Mexican land and this phony crisis gives the extraction mafia and excuse.Don't think the same guys that pushed the 3 trillion dollar failed Iraq War with the WMD canard are above blowing off a car bomb if it suited their purpose.
Is so strange that on the news we see footage of the "cartels" in az, where they are, their lookouts,actual movement of them on repeated routes they take and that the vekkol valley is the "hot spot" but with all the man power they have, they can't catch them??? Any other "bad" guy though out the USA or worldwide they can catch but not these ones? All seems way to fishy. Stopping the flow would put to many people out of jobs.