Cholla Bay Broke My Heart

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
As many of you know I have an affinity and strong affiliation with Cholla Bay. Went down last weekend and found that they have officially closed off Tucson Beach to vehicles by placing cemented metal poles with a locked chain at the top of the little road down to TB. First thought was that it may have been Mr Brown but was later told by the GODFATHER of CB, Lucky Chucky that the Mexican government came in and fixed the road and then chained it off after the complete meltdown known as SEMANA SANTA. Apparently, the loitering and panga traffic along with a billion cars getting stuck at high tide during Semana Santa was enough to warrant change. I was told that it was not the CB HOA decision. I really dont understand this. Tucson Beach has been open to vehicles as long as I can remember. At least since 98. For me this is a huge disappointment. Two reasons. As many of you know I am physically disabled. Tucson Beach allowed me to enjoy a section of beach albeit very small without having to walk a far distance with a walker being partially paralyzed from the waist down. It allowed me to enjoy CB as I have all these years in a little seclusion. It is absolutely impossible for me to access any other beach in Rocky Point unless I can drive my truck down onto the beach which is why CB is so convenient for me. It allows me to access the water for my kayak and jet ski by driving my truck right up to it. There really is no other place that I can utilize like this which makes it nearly the only place I can hang out. Second point. Getting older now, the BIG 35 I find myself wanting to enjoy different things while I'm down which mainly consists of hanging out in CB at Tucson Beach, paddling the kayak around, taking the ski out, beach fishing while sitting in a chair, listening to music while letting the DOG run and swim around the SOUTHERLY WIND protected Tucson Bay... It was an absolute perfect place for me, the only place. Getting older, it's Tucson Beach during the day, dinner and maybe a drink. Have been in bed by 10pm a couple of trips on a Saturday night... Sadly, this closer ends all of that for me. There is absolutely no way for me to get down there now. Not too much fun hanging out in the rocks by the boat ramp at JJ's... Really upset about this. I figured this is why they weren't fixing the 8 foot trench down the middle of that road for the past 6 months but I actually enjoyed it because hardly anyone could get down there and with my truck it was no issue so it had been nice having that area less crowded. Gone now. Just another way to get bent over and screwed by life.


Lovin it in RP!
I understand to some degree your frustration....the few have always ruined it for the many. I am sorry that this has affected you in such a dramatic way. I too have many memories of backing the jetski in at Tucson with my 3 kids and their friends in tow setting up a day on a calm uncrowded beach and like you said protected from the wind. For me it's time to find some new memories to make. The good ole days will be here in 20 years if we do something cool today.


As many of you know I have an affinity and strong affiliation with Cholla Bay. Went down last weekend and found that they have officially closed off Tucson Beach to vehicles by placing cemented metal poles with a locked chain at the top of the little road down to TB. First thought was that it may have been Mr Brown but was later told by the GODFATHER of CB, Lucky Chucky that the Mexican government came in and fixed the road and then chained it off after the complete meltdown known as SEMANA SANTA. Apparently, the loitering and panga traffic along with a billion cars getting stuck at high tide during Semana Santa was enough to warrant change. I was told that it was not the CB HOA decision. I really dont understand this. Tucson Beach has been open to vehicles as long as I can remember. At least since 98. For me this is a huge disappointment. Two reasons. As many of you know I am physically disabled. Tucson Beach allowed me to enjoy a section of beach albeit very small without having to walk a far distance with a walker being partially paralyzed from the waist down. It allowed me to enjoy CB as I have all these years in a little seclusion. It is absolutely impossible for me to access any other beach in Rocky Point unless I can drive my truck down onto the beach which is why CB is so convenient for me. It allows me to access the water for my kayak and jet ski by driving my truck right up to it. There really is no other place that I can utilize like this which makes it nearly the only place I can hang out. Second point. Getting older now, the BIG 35 I find myself wanting to enjoy different things while I'm down which mainly consists of hanging out in CB at Tucson Beach, paddling the kayak around, taking the ski out, beach fishing while sitting in a chair, listening to music while letting the DOG run and swim around the SOUTHERLY WIND protected Tucson Bay... It was an absolute perfect place for me, the only place. Getting older, it's Tucson Beach during the day, dinner and maybe a drink. Have been in bed by 10pm a couple of trips on a Saturday night... Sadly, this closer ends all of that for me. There is absolutely no way for me to get down there now. Not too much fun hanging out in the rocks by the boat ramp at JJ's... Really upset about this. I figured this is why they weren't fixing the 8 foot trench down the middle of that road for the past 6 months but I actually enjoyed it because hardly anyone could get down there and with my truck it was no issue so it had been nice having that area less crowded. Gone now. Just another way to get bent over and screwed by life.


Joe, I fully understand your frustration 100% , and not to "some degree" I have been "lurking" here for quite awhile, and going to PP for years, I don't say much, but this subject is dear to my heart, the blame can be put directly, squarely, to begin with the Rocky Point Times, and the "cheerleaders" that took over from there ! for screwing aka fuc!@#& up PP big time, what do you think is going to happen with these two groups ? the"good ole days" are GONE FOREVER, never to return! thankyou very much you - Rocky Point times - cheerleaders, - AND IT'S NOT GOING TO GET BETTER, ONLY WORSE ! that is the reason that we do not visit PP much anymore last time for us was 4 - 5 years !
There is more to this than all the cars that were flooded over Semana Santa, somebody was looking for an excuse to limit access to Tucson Beach. As Joe said it wasn't the HOA, more likely the people who live above TB or nearby. I am sure the crowds with their stereos cranked up and people littering the area have pissed off those who live there, many only weekend visitors. The old saying money talks is a big reason for this.
I am really pissed about this because I have launched my Jet Skis there for many, many years and my family have picnicked there a dozen times per year.
Many of the beach areas are being closed off, the Estuary at the entrance to Cholla, Sandy Beach and now Tucson beach. What's next,
the beaches below JJ's Cantina. I am with you and others on this mess Mexico Joe.


Rocky Point 360:
In an effort to prevent massive car-flooding due to high tides, much as that seen over the recent Semana Santa holiday, restrictions are to go into effect to block vehicle access to the beach in the area of Cholla Bay, reported Luis César García González, local Director of the Federal Maritime Land Zone (ZOFEMAT).
Nearly 20 days after three dozen cars were impacted by the high tides, and once the high holiday period was over, the ZOFEMAT director detailed his office worked in coordination with Semarnat, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Harbor Master, to establish order in the area.
He clarified vehicle parking already wasn’t allowed on the coastal part of Cholla Bay given the rise in tides that can reach up to the home lots. Nevertheless, notices are going to be put up and flyers distributed that will both warn against parking in this area, as well applicable fines for doing so.
García González explained 80% of the vehicles that get flooded in Cholla with the high tides actually belong to residents of Puerto Peñasco, who generally should know about tide movements, while the rest belong to visitors. Even so, measures are being put in place to prevent further flooding incidents.
As many are aware, on April 20th – the day before Easter – the high “spring” tides in Cholla Bay overwhelmed and flooded 32 cars, which quickly became a viral video showing umbrellas and ice chests also floating in the water and people with water up to their waists.
The high tide was not atypical for the zone, and is natural in this area which experiences drastic tide changes .
Miramar, Most of these cars were parked in front of JJ's, Tucson Beach's access road was never repaired from the huge rains Cholla recieved last October, so it was hard for most vehicles to get down there.
But it gets blocked with a chain anyway.
We'll see if beaches in front of JJ's get blocked off where all the cars got submerged. If that happens there are going everyone who enjoys that beach are going to be really pissed and who knows what will happen.


Many year ago when I was growing up in Kailua HA everyone drove on the beach. The beach was public to the high water mark. Suddenly that was all stopped and access was denied. You could go all the way to the city park and walk the beach but if you lived up by the canal you had no way to get to the beach which was public. All the paths had been closed. 2 yr fight and lawsuit and we were finally given 2 paths over a five mile strip for access. The people that owned to beach front houses did not want a bunch of high schools kids and their boards and beach junk sitting on their beach and messing up their pristine view. The beach was public from the high water mark you just had no way to get there.


On the Atlantic side communities commonly control parking near and adjacent to the beach. Passages were provided but no nearby parking, You can be on the beach if you can get there. We used to get someone to drop us off. Stayed on the Hampton Bay beach for several days and nights, much to the chagrin of the owners of local mansion beach houses. .