Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco

Barb and I want to Thank all of the members from this forum that have helped us with donations of school supplies to our Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco program...

With all the recent donations we will be adding two new schools to our program... Thank you all once again... with your help we are making a difference...
This is kind of late notice but at 8:00am John Klug of KUCI in Irvine CA. will be doing his radio show and will be mentioning us and the work we are doing with the Adopt-A-Classroom program and La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida A.C. community center... I have been talking with John for several weeks and will be helping him with his program and sharing information on his website

His show is Building a New Economy
Back to School first of five...

This is a photo slide show from our visit this morning to the school that was the start of Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco... (this is the first of 5 schools)

The faculty & students have invited us for a party on Oct. 7, 2010, to celebrate Barbs birthday... (don't ask how old she will be, if she knows I said this much I'm dead meat...)



AWESOME you guys are great I wish we could do more to help them out...(with a tear in my eye)
Visit to La Montaña School

On monday we made a visit to La Montaña School for Special Needs Children to deliver school supplies... we were joined by Chari, Kathy, Tom, Wendy, Jane and Carston... we were invited to return on tuesday to see how the school operates



Mark - Hi
I have a friend who stopped by yesterday. he has a son who deals with foreclosures in Phx and many folks leave behind the playsets - swingsets etc. He is going to collect them and deliver them to RP for the schools. This beats making them from scratch - maybe a little paint will do it !!!!
I will keep you informed - Keep up the good work that you are doing
Also Scholastic book fairs will be having a huge warehouse sale in December - I will find out the exact dates
Sandy Spain dropped off some childrens books in Spanish for the pre schoolers. She found them at tjmacs (sp) for $2 each.If any one is close to one and can check this out in their area and get some books to Mark - they are really great books.
Nancy at AACORP
383 1012
Thank you Nancy... I see that my friend Brenda brought a puppy to you, and then came back for it to take it home with her, she fell in love with it... I have some cat litter here for you from Chari a.k.a. LadyJeeper here on the forum... I will try to stop by on Friday... Thank you for all your kind words and all the work you are doing for the animals here in RP...


Yes Brenda came and took the puppy. She really is a great little puppy and it was great to see her go to a good home. Kathy stopped by with 6 little ones. She has been feeding the Mom so they are nice and healthy. They are doing well and will be in the October issue of the RPTimes.They are adjusting very well and have good puppy food.
You guys are doing great work.
I work with the city health dept and they have started a program with the schools educating the children on the care of the animals. Some good things happening with the city.
I did find some cat items out front - did you bring them by?????


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
If it was 2 containers of cat litter, Mark brought them. I brought them down last Sat. and left them with him and Barb.
No Nancy & Chari... I didn't bring them by as yet we are having car problems... so I will bring the cat litter by shortly... Thanks again for everything...


Sorry to hear your having car problems Mark, anything we can do? We are bringing more supplies and two new copiers for your schools. Look forward to seeing you & Barb. ps We do a Christmas program every year (Mark has a video of last years) and the most requested gift was soccer balls size 4. Any help would be a blessing. harold
Thanks Harold... I think it's the water pump, so I need to get a new one on it... Thank you for picking up the copiers... Barb and I are looking forward to seeing you and Kathy this weekend as well... sea U soon...
Sorry to hear your having car problems Mark, anything we can do? We are bringing more supplies and two new copiers for your schools. Look forward to seeing you & Barb. ps We do a Christmas program every year (Mark has a video of last years) and the most requested gift was soccer balls size 4. Any help would be a blessing. harold
Beachwalker, on this thread or a new one, would you like to tell me how you organize your Christmas program or party and what it is like?
Mark...are you able to locate a water pump for your vehicle down there? I'm coming down this weekend.....
Thanks Joe... I'm going to find out about the pump after I visit La Montana in the morning... Harold a.k.a. trade also offered to bring one down this weekend... I appreciate the offer from both of you... it's great to have amigos... =]