Asadero Sonora


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Was in PP last weekend and drove over to Asadero Sonora for a cure for the late night munchies on Friday and was greeted with a shuttered up, no lights on Asadero Sonora. Anyone know the scoop? We were 4 very disappointed and HUNGRY people. Sorry Ink, the tacos by Mannys are no where near as good! Please tell me they are on vacation and not closed! :cry:


I saw them relocated over on the new Cholla Road- Don't remember exactly where but they are on the south side of the rd. With all the people over there selling, I imagine he'll make out better.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Oh Thank you! It's a lot farther from the Mirador, tho! :( We'll check it out. When that place was built...must have been '82, there was still a lot of train traffic that came thru. Now with no trains, it was just the people that had been going there for years. I'll spread the word among the Cove gang.
Thanks again
It's a shame that Jorge's other location failed...kitty corner from the Mr Rocky Point Steak House (which is also closed)


Location, location, location seems to be a difficult concept for some of these restaurants to grasp in PP. I guess that says something that La Curva has thrived since 1982 in a crappy location.
IMO Manny's would make a great location for a new trailer park!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Well, we found the new location but they weren't open. It was noon and they used to only be open from 4 p.m. to 4 a.m. Will try later in the day next trip down.