

Caborca is my towns sister city. This site will tell you anything you might want to know about Caborca..

In 1972, after a trip to Caborca, the Honorable Taylor T. Hicks, Sr., Mayor of the City of Prescott, the City Council, and several other imaginative groups and citizens recognized the opportunity to develop harmonious cultural and educational relationships with our neighbors to the South. Mayor Hicks recognized the similarities between Prescott and Caborca and invited Heroica Caborca, Sonora, Mexico to join Prescott, Arizona in a Sister City affiliation. Prescott is one of more than 200 American cities that have adopted "sisters" around the world.


Prescott's "sister" sounds pretty screwed: this is one among many stories on the crime page of the local paper vivacaborca links to: (I've never had any problems there)
It was suicidal chief of public security Bacoachi Print E-mail
Escrito por Redacción Written by Editorial

Bacoachi, Sonora; a 22 de Junio del 2008.- Luego de haber inhalado cocaína, quien fuera Director de Seguridad Pública de esta población, se suicidó frente a su compañera sentimental, al dispararse con el arma de cargo en la cabeza, en hechos ocurridos durante el transcurso de la madrugada. Bacoachi, Sonora, on June 22, 2008 .- After having inhaled cocaine, who was Director of Public Safety of this population, committed suicide in front of his sentimental companion, with the gun to shoot against him in the head, events during the morning.

Se trata de José Pablo Franco Osuna, de 32 años de edad, quien tenía apenas un mes de haber asumido el cargo en dicho municipio, luego de que el anterior director de Seguridad Pública Municipal, fue dado de baja al ser responsable de un robo en una compañía minera. This is Franco Jose Pablo Osuna, 32-year-old who had barely a month after assuming office in that municipality, after the previous director of the Municipal Public Security, was discharged to be responsible for a robbery a mining company.

De acuerdo a las primeras investigaciones realizadas por agentes de la Policía Estatal Investigadora y por declaraciones de una mujer que lo acompañaba al momento de los hechos, el ahora occiso se encontraba inhalando cocaína, cuando de pronto tomó su pistola de cargo, un arma tipo escuadra calibre .9 milímetros , se apuntó a la sien izquierda y se disparó. According to initial investigations carried out by agents of the State Police Investigator and by statements of a woman who accompanied him to time, the now occiso was inhaling cocaine, when he suddenly took his gun charge, a gun type squad .9 mm caliber, was aimed at the left temple and fired.

Franco Osuna se encontraba en proceso de desintoxicación en un Centro de Rehabilitación de Agua Prieta, a donde acudía semanalmente a firmar su proceso. Franco Osuna was in the process of detoxification in a Rehabilitation Centre of Agua Prieta, where he came to sign their weekly process.
Última modificación ( 22.06.2008 ) Last Changes (22.06.2008)


What's you're point Jerry? Is it that coke can be bad for you spiritually and physically. :shock: That there are thief's in government :eek: or that they actually report it :sunny:



Here is another story on it:

Caborca, Son .- At least four elements of the municipal police commissioners at the police station Plutarco Elías Calles (and Greek) were arrested the afternoon of this day by elements of the Mexican army in possession of an unspecified amount of marijuana.
Testigos de lo ocurrido dijeron a este medio que los hechos se registraron alrededor de las 17:00 horas, cuando elementos castrenses llegaron hasta la delegación de policía de ese poblado, practicaron una revisión y encontraron la droga, procediendo de inmediato a detener a los municipales. Witnesses told of what happened this means that the facts were recorded around 17:00 hours, when elements military delegation arrived to police this town, practiced a review and found drugs, proceeding immediately to apprehend the municipal .
Los municipales fueron esposados y subidos a vehículos militares, siendo trasladados a la guarnición militar de esta población, según trascendió extraoficialmente. The municipal were handcuffed and uploaded to military vehicles, being transferred to the military garrison of this population, according transpired unofficially.


Caborca, Son .- The arrest of five elements of the municipal police, three assigned to the delegation of the village "Greek" and two of the leading fishing village, was confirmed by the Director of the Municipal Corporation Jose Martin Hernandez.
The elements detained by the army yesterday afternoon, are already available to the Federal Public Ministry, to determine responsibilities, said the head of the municipal police.
He noted that the report is that it has to do a review of weapons, soldiers found a bag with marijuana on the premises of the delegation, and therefore unable to explain the origin of the drugs were arrested.
The detainees were identified as elements Barbarous Cervantes Martinez, Jesus Armando Frasquillo Egurrola, Olegario Fidel Perez Romo, allocated in the "Greek" and Laborín Margarito Ortega and Abelardo Silva Murrieta, commissioners in the lead.
The latter allegedly have no responsibility because they were arrested when the delegation arrived to police the lead coming, where they are assigned.
Unofficially transpired that the drug would be part of forfeiture made a narcomenudista, leaving part of it in the delegation, made the federal prosecutor's office investigating this.

WOW! a bag of MariJuana.Spanish » English Translate


I think I'm going to apply for the police chief job.I have lots of experience with guns,powders and day dreaming about stealing the payroll from gold mines.I even have dealt with a few fender benders.
This thing does look like it's heating up in our part of Sonora but it's out of control in Zeta controled areas to the east.


There is police corruption with drugs in Caborcaina???