Federal Maritime Lane Zone



Sorry if there's a thread on this already but does anyone have any experience with this tax that basically states the land between beachfront houses/businesses and the high tide line can be leased to someone else if you don't pay this yearly tax to keep it protected.

I've heard from two different families from Las Conchas and Encanto that agents have come demanding money for back taxes owed.



Yes, that just about sums it up. I applied for mine 2 years ago but because it's sitting on someone's desk in DF, I had to pay a penalty this year. Just another "milk the Gringo" tax.I expect this kind of crap to only get worse as their economy tanks following ours.

Terry C

There are 3 taxes a beach front owners pay.

The city tax that is paid by all homeowners in January.

If you are a beach front owner you are required to pay what is called a
(beach front luxury tax). You pay this the same time you pay your city tax. If you have never paid it before they go back 5 years I believe. You need a copy of your bank trust for the city to determine the fee owed.

The actual federal zone beach concession is a fee paid yearly. You may need an attorney to file for this. A survey of your property and other things are required.