Is Mexicoruss still alive?



It's been almost 8 hours and no reports on Puerto Penasco. I'm kind of worried....


Lovin it in RP!
I made it thru another weekend in Mexico. hanks for concern This morning the wife and I have the task of walkng the beach before our work day begins, we will report in after we arrive safely back our
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Watchout for the narco shells hiding under the sand and the blast of sun rays hitting your skin!! what a scary way of living!!! please enjoy to the fullest be there soon to enjoy too!!


Lovin it in RP!
It was a great walk and I thoroughly enjoy quiet time with my wife a lot less people on the beach than Saturday though, check out this fb video from Saturday video


And you know, those are the moments that make the best memories, quietly walking in the beach enjoying the sound the waves make and the seagulls and pelicans flying overhead!! soon it will be me with my wife!!


Lovin it in RP!
We will be waiting. let me know when you come down, I live 4 houses down from Seadweller, we can have a caguama


Russ I tossed and turned all night worrying, don't do this to me!

I feel so much better knowing you are actually in RP and not traveling in any direction outside, especially near the border. They were saying on the news today that the Sonoran governor is very upset about the new AZ immigration law, so I fear there may be more hassle for visitors heading south.

Thanks again,


What are you suggesting Inka? I seriously want to know how our friend Flanders, uh I mean Russ is doing.



They have a portion of it paved as reported, what, last week? And as usual, some nice pot holes in a few places. Overall with the sections that are paved, it's a much better road than it was in October.
As expected not much doing at La Pinta right now, but I stopped at Marua on my way back and caught a few fish on Squid just for, as Chuck says, the tap, tap, tap. Marua is my favorite estuary, and the Corvina with turn on there when the water gets a little warmer. I was alone except for a couple around the corner, and out of sight, and like my daddy said, "Kenny, we might not be catching any fish, but the fishing's good". It was a fine day, with some time with my amigo Roberto at La Pinta, and some to myself at Marua.
Are you feeling OK playa? You actually asked me a civil question.:shock: