Kwanza Tree


Can i bring my tree into Mexico. I'm going up in the Chiracahuas on Saturday and cut a wide path through the virgin forrest with my cordless sawsall (18volt Lithium 2.6 amps on sale at tyler tools 89 bucks!)


In President George W. Bush's 2004 Presidential Kwanzaa Message, he said that, "During Kwanzaa, millions of African Americans and people of African descent gather to celebrate their heritage and ancestry. Kwanzaa celebrations provide an opportunity to focus on the importance of family, community, and history, and to reflect on the Nguzo Saba or seven principles of African culture. These principles emphasize unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith."[14]


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Ooooh, I googled it and the song is disgusting. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, they play pinochle on your snout..... Ick!!!!!!!!

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Nope, not me. I hated fishing and hurting anything. I still do.......
Well, in our defense, they were dead when we had eye flicking contests, and we did eat them all (the fish, not the eyes). We tried to make their skeletons look like the cartoon ones that the cats always wanted, you know, with all their bones still in place. Plus, if you left the eyes in them, they always popped in the frying pan and mom didn't like that much.:razz: