Latest posting from Peñasco Recreation


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Wish I could tell what is going on in that picture... sort of looks to me like they caught a big hammerhead shark and everybody is crowding on the boat to be in the picture?? Just can't tell. Very cool old pic, nonetheless! Thanks, Russ!
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View attachment 6425
Hey Russ, do you have a higher resolution scan of that black and white picture? Or the website where it cam from? It looks amazing and I'd love to print out a large print to hang up somewhere. Thanks!


The truck in the background looks like early 50's to me. Doesn't mean much because it could have been around for years when the photo was taken. Does mean the photo isn't older than that. My guess is 1960's.


The truck in the background looks like early 50's to me. .
Great pic. That truck is definately pre 1950 date of manufacture. Might even be late 30's. But I'd go along with as early as the middle 50's for the photo. Pre steel hull boats and post steel 50 gal drums. Lots of guys wearing white T shirts and one guy in a T top is another clue. Does not look like denim pantalones, loose fitting front pleated pants on a couple of the guys. Felt brimed hats still popular. No outboard motors, athletic shoes or big rubber boots evident. Looks like radio antennae on a couple of the boats. Boats do not appear to be kitted out with nets like the shrimp boats are today. The paper on which the photo is printed suggests an early date, probably a sepia tone process print, and it looks like thin card board, not the Kodak stuff. There is nothing in the photo that establishes it was taken in Penasco. The featured ship is from Penasco. It would probably have been taken before the wooden pier burned. Odd that there are no pelicans !! Ok Kenny what do you say??


Is that boat actually named the Punta Penasco? There must be a meaning for punta other than the one I know ...


The Captain hat's were very popular in the 50's and I think I see at least five of them in the picture. Like Roberto, I don't see anything that makes me believe it's Penasco for sure and the lack of tide marks on the slab and how high the tide seems to be when the picture was taken is problematic as well.
Spanish for "end":

A point of land extending into a body of water
Punta is NOT a slang word.
PUTA is a hispanic slang term for "whore"
Punta is what non-hispanics think is Puta. For some reason they put the "N" in it.

English Translation of PEÑASCO
: crag, large rock

So possibly, Punta Penasco would be Large rock extending out in the water?


El Pirata
Yes , that is the first muelle in puerto penasco, pic is genuine, JMHO
The city is known by two names, one in English (Rocky Point) and one in Spanish (Puerto Peñasco or “Rocky Port”). In 1826, retired Lt. Robert William Hale Hardy of the British Royal Fleet was sailing in this area searching for pearls and precious metals. He named the area Rocky Point and it was identified as Rocky Point on marine maps until Lázaro Cárdenas changed it to Puerto Punta Peñasco (Port Rocky Point). To simplify pronunciation, the English name lost the word “Port” and the Spanish name dropped “Punta”.[5]