Lost dog pictures



REWARD 1500 pesos

for Old Dog Lost at Reef Park and Beach on November 27, 2009.
He is fifteen (he will be sixteen January 2nd)
He is approximately 90 pounds
He has sores or tumors on his legs but chews on these, so they often look like open sores
He moves very slowly-to walk, sit, stand-anything takes him time-he normally takes Deramaxx for pain/inflammation but has not had it in two days so it would be really bad now
He is EXTREMELY friendly and trusting
Very Gentle-If you feed him from your hand he takes time and takes it Very Slowly to make sure that he does not get anything but the food
Often refuses food unless it is given to him by someone he knows (even treats)
Has ankle biter/herding instincts
Please call Dr. Chochoy Veterinaria Clínica. Ph: (638) 383-2338 or Nancy Phelan (638) 383 1012 or 602 412 3932.
