Need to buy


I went looking for a leather sofa on Saturday. We hit two different local furniture stores, and neither carried any real leather. I'm looking for a leather sofa and some Mexican themed wall art. Any ideas?


Also, if I buy stuff here and need to bring down, how do you pay the tariff or tax at the border?


At Lukeville crossing, cross border and turn left and park along fence before going through Mexican inspection. Go to the small building in the middle of the road just before the inspection area and tell them you have items to declare. They will come out and inspect your stuff and ask for receipts to determine value. You will be charged a 16% importation tax payable to the inspector. Best to have pesos to pay the tax because their exchange rate isn't the best. Do not exceed $3k in total merchandise or they will require a customs broker.
Did you try the furniture store across the street from Sam's Club? I think it's called Hacienda. They had leather sofas a while back. They have a large armoir built over the entry door. It's hard to miss them.


Yes, first I went to some place Mueblo something or another and then they referred me to Hacienda. Very nice people but with all the sofas they had she said none were real leather. They could order something, but I kind of like to see it, touch, sit on it.


Have not tried Vasquez, will check the CA store above that delivers. Thanks for all of the advice.


It's always good to support the RP economy when we can but if you can't find what you want it's not a problem to buy in the US and haul it down. The border crossing process is very easy and professionally handled, and the fee is minimal. The 16% fee is based on the cost of your merchandise before sales tax. At least this way you'll get what you really want.


Thanks Landshark. So, it looks like I'll be hauling a trailer load again. How do they handle general household goods that are not new - i.e. towels, sheets, bedding, kitchen stuff, cleaning stuff? I was going to provide receipts for anything new with any significant value, say over $20. I also decided to cannibalize an old couch we had at home. It's 10 years old. Do they tax you on that?


Sheets, towels, bedding shouldn't be a problem unless you have an excessive amount, especially used. Just pack them in suitcases with your clothes. Kitchen & cleaning stuff, reasonable amount, used, shouldn't be a problem. Claim the big items, scatter the rest around the truck out of sight. A used couch does have value so they will assess a tax on it. Make a receipt for a reasonable amount for a used couch or they will put a value on it. Be fair with them, they will be fair with you. They will tell you they only accept pesos, but will accept dollars if you don't have pesos but won't offer a good exchange rate. You can use plastic like Terry said but will be charged a foreign exchange fee, mine is 3%. Paying cash with pesos is best. The trailer is another challenge, especially if you have a long wheelbase truck and long trailer. You will cross the border, turn left and park along the fence. Once your business is complete, you will find a place to turn around and head for the inspection lane. Problem is even hugging the fence and squaring off your left turn the trailer won't make it. The lane is too narrow and too close to the fence. Best case you'll have to take the left trailer tires over the curb missing the steel post by an inch. Next time I plan to take a different approach. I'm not going to turn around, I will back out the way I came in, backing the trailer around the corner back across the border until I'm squared up with the lane, then proceed to inspection.


Thanks. I can hardly wait for Saturday morning traffic and jacking around with the trailer. At least it's a small trailer.


I need to have my property manager get me a new hide a bed. They haave come up with awful ones for terrible prices. The problem is I can't go down. Any one in Tucson that dr even PHX that take furniture down there?