Old Building Near Mayan Palace


We used to ride ATV's down there in the mid 90's and it was there then. That was several years before the Mayan Palace was started. Maybe they were in the planning stages back then. Sometimes there was someone there, but never any activity. They were just standing around watching us.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
It's the secret entrance to the underground tunnel the cartel uses to move stuff back and forth to Baja. :puff:

Yes, I'm totally kidding. I've seen it, but have no idea what its real purpose is/was. Sort of like across the channel there on La Pinta. When I first went there years ago, everybody called it Nacho Beach because Nacho lived there in the old Gillispie house. We'd go up to the house to find him and pay for our stay on the beach, or get him to take us out in a panga to fish the channel. For years, I had no idea it was really named La Pinta, just Nacho Beach.