President AMLO about to change everything

Not sure that legalizing in Mexico will have much effect on the cartel violence fed by American demand. Legalize in the U.S. and the Cartels are truly hurt.
I was thinking the same thing. The article is somewhat vague, perhaps on purpose, but seems to indicate legalizing recreational drug use in Mexico. That wouldn't seem to have much to do with the massive exportation of drugs to the US. Definitely more information needed here...


Street sales in Penasco have been on the rise over the years. I can show you several locations where there is always a person selling. I watched one for an extended period and say what looked like transactions with kids on bicycles. Also have it on good authority that several of the street sellers did not pay so they disappeared.

Legalizing may take the away some of the violence against the farmer growers. Many keep a little patch as a cash crop but fall afoul of the cartels.


If they allow major loads to move freely north it would cut violence...force us to deal with addiction as a medical issue....this is getting good...


If they allow major loads to move freely north it would cut violence...force us to deal with addiction as a medical issue....this is getting good...
Sure it would probably move north easy enough - but what a mess for border towns. Can you imagine the fight for that turf?
If they allow major loads to move freely north it would cut violence...force us to deal with addiction as a medical issue....this is getting good...
J: As you now, I am a libertarian who at base feels everything should be legal BUT, I have many people working for me and along with their family & friends have come to realize that some drugs & their abuses permanently fry your brain. I’m not talking about smoking a little pot or getting drunk on Friday night here. I’m talking about permanently jumbled thought processes that eliminate these people from any future ability to function normally. This scares me when you say deal with it as medical issue-which it it obviously is and not try to enforce the illegality of certain drugs, and I don’t think illegality necessarily increases usage because of the “sneaking around coolness factor” either. I think early childhood education about how some drugs can PERMANENTLY jumble your brain is necessary . Even heavy pot users are basically doomed like heavy alcohol users are. They become worthless in terms of motivation and productivity, they still may be good people but are doomed to a life of addiction and having the drug dictate every decision in your life.
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J: As you now, I am a libertarian who at base feels everything should be legal BUT, I have many people working for me and along with there family friends have come to realize that some drugs & their abuses permanently fry your brain. I’m not talking about smoking a little pot or getting drunk on Friday night here. I’m talking about permanently jumbled thought processes that eliminate these people from any future ability to function normally. This scares me when you say deal with it as medical issue-which it it obviously is and not try to enforce the illegality of certain drugs, and I don’t think illegality necessarily increases usage because of the “sneaking around coolness factor” either. I think early childhood education about how some drugs can PERMANENTLY jumble your brain is necessary . Even heavy pot users are basically doomed like heavy alcohol users are. They become worthless in terms of motivation and productivity, they still may be good people but are doomed to a life of addiction and having the drug dictate every decision in your life.
There you go...single pay is the only solution to the hard drug crisis.A court ordered rehab with shots that stop opioid high is an option. Have you ever dealt with hard core alcoholics? Same issues.a danger to themselves and others and it's legal
There you go...single pay is the only solution to the hard drug crisis.A court ordered rehab with shots that stop opioid high is an option. Have you ever dealt with hard core alcoholics? Same issues.a danger to themselves and others and it's legal
I have an alcoholic working for me right now, fantastically talented but doomed. Very sad. The Psychology of addiction is fascinating to me.
I have an alcoholic working for me right now, fantastically talented but doomed. Very sad. The Psychology of addiction is fascinating to me.
There is also a drug one can take that does the same thing with alcohol-it blocks the brains ability to receive an alcohol high. As with any drug, the user has to want to change or relapse is imminent.


There is also a drug one can take that does the same thing with alcohol-it blocks the brains ability to receive an alcohol high. As with any drug, the user has to want to change or relapse is imminent.
But the anti high drugs are getting better I've lost a dad to alcohol,a brother to war (Vietnam) many friends to fatty diets,a few to guns and a few to smack...most ( except my brother) could have been saved with good health care options...