Any idea as to when that video was made?
That video or film shows a tiny fraction of the numbers of Ridley Sea turtles that used to nest on that beach. I've been there when there were so many that you couldn't even see the sand. The Ricans were waiting for them by the thousands with trucks, wheel barrows and buckets. They would load the cargo trucks eight feet high with the adult females. The locals would dig up the nests and load bucket after bucket into their cars and trucks with eggs.
The later arriving turtles would dig up nests from the first arrivals. Thousands upon thousands of eggs were strewn all over. Turkey Vultures, Black Vultures and Caracaras were there by the hundreds. The Macho-rican cowboys would be there with their caballos and bottles of rum popping open the raw eggs and slurping them down in a drunk frenzy. They would slit the throats of the nesting females and fill Dixie Cups with blood and guzzle it down like some kind of demons in a mad dog driven hallucination. The local chicks were waiting for the drunk caballeros who supposedly had their salchichas popping out of their pants. I'll never forget the disgusting scene of cave man level debauchery based only on gluttony and turd world imaginations.