Quality of Life



I came across this when I was cleaning stuff out of my computer. I felt the need to share it.
"Quality of Life"


One summer, a wealthy American investment banker took a vacation and visited a small Mexican fishing village. He was sitting on the dock, enjoying a margarita in the afternoon sun, when a small fishing boat pulled up to the dock.?

The banker greeted the fisherman, who was carrying two good-sized tuna from the boat. He complimented the fellow on the fish, and asked how long it took to catch them. "Only a little while," said the fisherman.

"Why don't you stay out longer, so you can catch more fish and make more money?," asked the American. The fisherman replied that he made plenty to support his family's needs.

?"But what do you do with the rest of your time?" asked the American. The fisherman said, "I take a siesta, play with my children, spend some time with my lovely wife, and stroll into the village in the evening to drink wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a busy and happy life!"

"I could help you," said the banker. "I am a successful investor, with an MBA from Harvard. If you spent more time fishing, you could sell the extra fish and buy a bigger boat. Then you could catch even more fish, and eventually have a fleet of fishing boats! Once you made enough to buy some industrial property, you could eliminate the middleman and build your own cannery. You could move to Mexico City, open an office there to control the processing and distribution, and eventually expand your enterprise to Los Angeles and New York!"?

The fisherman listened patiently and nodded, "But how long would this take?", he asked. "Oh, fifteen or twenty years," said the banker.

"But what then?" The fisherman scratched his head. "Then," said the banker, "You would announce an IPO and offer your company stock to the public, and become a very wealthy man! You could make millions!" The fisherman thought for a moment and asked, "And then what?"

?"Well then comes the best part," said the American, "Then you can retire, move to a quiet tropical fishing village, do some fishing, enjoy the siesta, play with your kids, spend some time with your wife, and stroll into the village in the evening to drink wine and play guitar with your amigos!"


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Yes, I think so, too. It illustrates the point that some Americans don't see what is right in front of them.