Stingray Landmines


We were down this past weekend, and like others who posted in the "October Weather" thread, the weather was great and the water was perfect. Spent a good deal of time on the beach and in the water.

A warning is in order though.

While walking the beach in Las Conchas, we came upon a couple teenage boys with dive masks and Hawaiian slings or spears. They had about a dozen stingrays they had speared in a bout a 30 minute time frame. They said they had seen at least 50-60 in total while they were out there.

What made us nervous is that these boys were only in about 1-2 feet of water. And the stingrays were small, about the size of my hand.

I had always thought the late spring and summer months brought out the stingrays or it was when they came in to breed. Very surprised to see them in such great quantity this late into October.

Maybe it is because the weather is still so warm this late? Does anybody else know about stingrays in October?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Personally? I think they're around ALL the time! Have had them swimming about my feet at La Pinta in March, July or in November. More related to tide I think than season of the year. But, they may be like sharks in that regard. We've had late October trips where some reefs were loaded with black-tip sharks. So many that you'd catch two on every drop and that seemed to be the only thing you'd catch. Rest of the year, not a black-tip to be seen anywhere on the same reefs. So, you very well may be right about them "clustering" like that.
My sister got stung in about 2 feet of water walking on the rocks south of the boat ramp north of the lighthouse in lobos. I told her to walk on the rocks when possible. She wasn't to happy about that one. Hey I learned something new, thanks to my sister. Ha Ha.