


I just watched a program on the Discovery Channel entitled I Shouldn't Be Alive. It was about two fellows who wrecked their boat on one of the barren Midriff islands on the Sea of Cortez. They were on the island for nearly four days without food, water and minimal shelter from the sun that they made from their boat debris. Even if you get cast ashore on the mainland or Baja, you can be in big trouble due to the large expanses of barren desert.

As I watched it a few things came to mind that I take for granted, that I haven't seen mentioned on these forums.

Water: Besides the beverages I might bring for refreshments, I always bring at least two gallons of drinking water. Sometimes I'll freeze some water jugs and throw them in my cooler to make them serve double duty. One person can survive comfortably on one gallon of water per day, but you can make it last a lot longer if need be.

Food: Besides any food I might bring along, I always have some energy bars or trail mix in a dry bag. I once walked the entire length of the Blue Mountains in Oregon eating only trail mix and the fish I caught. I didn't feel the least bit deprived when I finished my trip.

Insect repellent: Insect repellent doesn't take up much space, and there's bugs on that desert, including mosquitoes carrying dengue fever that can drive you nuts.

Signalling device: I don't know about the legality of taking one into Mexico, but I've always carried a flare gun on my boat. I also have one of those compressed gas horns that's loud enough to hurt your ears. I've caught other boat's attention by tying a cloth of some kind onto my fishing rod and waving it. Making some smoke wouldn't be a bad idea either. Motor oil and some green cacti should make a pretty visible smoke.

Those few things don't take up much space or weight and can mean the difference between surviving and not. Always, always file a float plan so someone knows where and when to come looking for you. A fishing trip needn't be a survival ordeal if you're prepared for it.