Timeshare Company Bankrupt

I posted an article Tuesday on my blog about a timeshare company with ties to RP. The company is ILX Resorts, headquartered in Phoenix, and they have filed for Chapter 11 reorganization.

I know that they were in the process of developing a resort near Las Conchas somewhere, and that for a while last year they had a sales room open plus an office in one of the new plazas (I forget which one-- must be having a senior moment) for booking tours, but both closed down in the 3rd or 4th quarter of the year. Problem is, I don't know precisely where the resort was to be located (I never went out there), though I believe it was across the street from the beach as opposed to being beachfront.

Do any of you happen to know the resort's location, or if ILX ever actually broke ground on the place???

They have an established resort in San Carlos, but they shut down sales there late in 2008 or very early this year if my information is correct.

Just another sign of the times, I guess. :|


El Pirata
If it was a beachfront location it was probably going up at the old defunct
Timeshare at the end of Las Conchas, I can’t think of the name right now,
I think i’ll drink some hot chocolate and Kahoola, maybe it will come to
Me. :fish: :chef: :lol:
Wow, there's an old defunct timeshare at the end of Las Conchas? I didn't know about that. I hope the hot chocolate and kahlua nudge your memory. :D I don't think this one was beachfront, though. From the lack of response here, I'd guess that might mean that ILX never broke ground?

Gee, maybe I should indulge in some of that hot chocolate concoction, come to think of it. As IF I needed an excuse... :lol:


Is the one at the end on the hill by the Estuary? I still can't believe they allowed any development there, and now it will just be wasted space. That was the best part of Las Conchas IMO, once you hit those dunes it was like you were in the middle of nowhere.


Isn't it call "La Ballena" or at least I remmember a big metal whale right at the main gate. Last December went by it and notice some people (workers) there did not seems like big equipment moving but something was going on at the construction site.
That concept was to be homes not a timeshare. Are you thinking maybe the DelMar just outside the Las Conchas boundary and next to Tessoro? There was also La Perla but I thought that was condos also.


El Pirata
fatboyharley said:
That concept was to be homes not a timeshare. Are you thinking maybe the DelMar just outside the Las Conchas boundary and next to Tessoro? There was also La Perla but I thought that was condos also.
I agree FBH that place had a really nice pool and the local is the best!!!!