U.S. Consulate Admits



Well that's a great article and VERY well written. It's all fine and dandy but until the Consulate actually admits something publicly such articles are still going to be seen as a slanted report by people who will say anything to protect their businesses and investments.

I want something official from the consulate. I want to be able to point to words on paper coming right from them that say, "We made a mistake."
Well that's a great article and VERY well written. It's all fine and dandy but until the Consulate actually admits something publicly such articles are still going to be seen as a slanted report by people who will say anything to protect their businesses and investments.

I want something official from the consulate. I want to be able to point to words on paper coming right from them that say, "We made a mistake."
Don't hold your breath....if anything does come out, it will be too late to hlep for this weekend....


Seriously, contact your senator/representative if you want action. The elections are coming up and the race is close, which bodes well for voter complaints.


Joe - In my case, I'm not going down until the 11th. Unfortunately for me, my family is so hung up and that stupid warning that I am dealing with family backlash over it and I would love nothing more than to say, "Look? See?" I'm not changing my plans to go because I feel absolutely NO need to but I would really like for my family to get the clear message that what their reading and hearing is completely fabricated. Frustrated? Me? No.... I need a freakin' cocktail...

Jim - I'm not sure what my local senator or representative can do about this. The warning was for another country and came from a federal level, not a state level.


Boy, I guess no one listened to that interview that they are now distorting into an 'admission'. Typical smoke screen.

A simple FOIA request would provide the proof, or lack of it, regarding the reports.


Senators and congressmen have jurisdiction on behalf of their constituents. Consulates are under US federal jurisdiction and will respond quickly to such inquiries, if only for funding and political considerations. Trust me on this topic.

PS. I am not referring to State officials.
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Yeah, Sub, well If I could magically wave a little wand and make there suddenly occur another month until my vacation, then I'd fill out the form and send it in and wait for the response. Your suggestion ain't gonna help me before the 11th.

Jim - I'll contact them but I'm skeptical they'll respond. Something tells me that cutting Mexico a break really isn't high on the list of things to do for McCain...

I'm hoping some news outlet finds that Press Release and decides to report that as well. Again, not holding my breath there either.
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Vanessa...give the consulate a call...with a tape recorder going.....the last time I checked, it was legal in AZ to tape record a phone conversation as long as one party was agreeable/party to the conversation. Ask the "Consulate Officer" to identify themselves, and ask specific questions about the "Warning".....and keeping asking until he/she answer to your satisfaction. Would that suffice to calm your family members?


Joe - I appreciate the help. You guys rock. I think can completely sense my frustration. That said, I think they've been versed enough to dance around the subject. Mel's conversation was great, especially in Crook admiting the warning does not tell people not to go to RP. I don't think I'd get any more out of them than he did.


Send the Nogales Consulate a message. Forget the hysterics. Just point out that the message was poor service to Americans, unclear and confusing. Govt workers have to cover their A**. Maybe they will find someone to blame in house. Send one to Crook too. Maybe we can get them to modify the message. That would be newsworthy !!

[email protected]

[email protected]
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Well, it is Friday and the consule warden has not made any retraction or admition of wrong information given to the public, will see what happen in Tuesday, ha, ha like always if they do anything it will be a day late and a lot of dollars short for the tourist economy of RP!!