When a 600 lb coke deal gets you 2 years! WTF


This is why I hate most law enforcement. The bureaucracy protects itself,makes our lives hell,jamb the prisons full of people trying to make a buck because all the jobs were shipped to China.Screw them all.

2 stinking years to a guy that gave up coutless snitches,worked the border at the highest level. There isn't a big enough caliber bullet ti shoot this asshole with. What does he know to keep him out of prison for the rest of his life?

Mike at the Border Reporter is the best crime beat write in the Southwest.
Check out how he predicted the drug war in 2005

He is one funny guy to boot!


This was said about Richard Padilla Cramer..
"I don’t suspect he would make any attempt to rejoin our department and obviously we would not be accepting an application from him,” said Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada
... Now that's funny!


I like this bit of understatement too. A miscreat of this caliber would usually elicit a variety of epithets, you know 'scumbag', etc. This guy is a disappointment to his FAMILY. Once a member always a memeber I guess, just like a real family."This has been a big disappointment for his law enforcement family,” he said.


our cops don't demand bribes like mexican cops but make no mistake about all the "overtime", seized toys and log rolling to private employment tied to criminals puts honest cops in a bit of a gray area.


Wow Sonora has been pretty calm since the election but this is interesting in a bad way (bombs at gas stations?

Violence grows in Nogales, Sonora, northern Mexico

Police and military personnel in Nogales, Sonora, investigate after a home was riddled with bullets and gunmen left behind a live grenade. Photo by Cesar Barron | Special to the Nogales International
By the Nogales International
Published: Thursday, December 10, 2009 11:23 AM MST
Growing violence in northern Mexico culminated Wednesday in a mysterious attack on a home in mid-town Nogales, Sonora.

Gunmen shot up the house and lobbed a hand grenade that did not explode. The attackers abandoned a late-model Chevrolet Tahoe after it became stuck. Inside was a portable radio and on the ground next to the Tahoe was a cap with the insignia of Mexico’s Federal Investigations Agency.

Shortly after 1 p.m., police received reports of gunshots. Local and state lawmen arrived with troops from the Mexican army. They found the Tahoe near the bullet-riddled home. A few feet away, a live grenade was on the ground and eventually was removed by a military bomb squad. There were no reports of injuries.

On Tuesday, two men in their early- to mid-30s were shot and killed with AK-47s as they slept at a hotel on the south side of town. Other gun battles were reported throughout the city.

Elsewhere in Sonora, grenade attacks occurred in Navojoa, Hermosillo and Cananea.

In Cananea, about 50 miles southeast of Nogales, a hotel maintenance man opened a door to a room that had been booby-trapped. He suffered life-threatening injuries and was taken to a hospital in Hermosillo, according to Nuevo Dia newspaper.

On Monday, a man pulled up to a gas station in Cananea in a late-model vehicle and requested 200 pesos of fuel. The man left and when an attendant opened the car door, the vehicle —apparently booby-trapped — exploded.

Nuevo Dia reported that the attendant was in guarded condition. Investigators found a dozen more grenades in the back seat of the vehicle. There were explosions also reported at two banks in the same town.

Drug traffic cartels are known to use grenades in battles with rivals and police, but there was no official indication that the attacks were linked to the violence that has plagued Mexico.

Compiled by staff and from Mexico newspaper reports and Radio XENY in Nogales, Sonora.


Our American corporations work with their new narco friends:
"Mexico's drug cartels siphon liquid gold
Bold theft of $1 billion in oil, resold in U.S., has dealt a major blow to the treasury
By Steve Fainaru and William Booth
washington post foreign service
Sunday, December 13, 2009

MALTRATA, MEXICO -- Drug traffickers employing high-tech drills, miles of rubber hose and a fleet of stolen tanker trucks have siphoned more than $1 billion worth of oil from Mexico's pipelines over the past two years, in a vast and audacious conspiracy that is bleeding the national treasury, according to U.S. and Mexican law enforcement officials and the state-run oil company.

Using sophisticated smuggling networks, the traffickers have transported a portion of the pilfered petroleum across the border to sell to U.S. companies, some of which knew that it was stolen, according to court documents and interviews with American officials involved in an expanding investigation of oil services firms in Texas."



....now this.....

Six Bodies Found Near Popular Mexican Tourist Resort

Friday, December 18, 2009

MEXICO CITY — Police in the Mexican border state of Sonora say they have found six decomposing bodies near a highway leading to the Gulf of California resort of Puerto Penasco.
Tourists from neighboring Arizona use the highway to reach the resort, widely known as Rocky Point.
State police said Friday the bodies were found half-buried on a dirt road off the highway.
The victims were males and had gunshot wounds.
The men's identities and the motives for their death are not yet clear. But shell casings from an assault rifle have been found nearby and such weapons are favored by Mexico's violent drug cartels.
In the Sonora border city of Nogales, state police officer found a man's body in a plastic container bearing drug-related messages.


It seems crazy to kill everyone.If i was next in line to be shot I'd volunteer to dig tunnels,trim buds,drive fat narco chicks to the Tucson mall to waste bunch after bunch of 20's on useless crap. I think digging the tunnel would be my favorite job.
Six Bodies Found Near Popular Mexican Tourist Resort

Friday, December 18, 2009

MEXICO CITY — Police in the Mexican border state of Sonora say they have found six decomposing bodies near a highway leading to the Gulf of California resort of Puerto Penasco.
Tourists from neighboring Arizona use the highway to reach the resort, widely known as Rocky Point.
State police said Friday the bodies were found half-buried on a dirt road off the highway.
The victims were males and had gunshot wounds.
The men's identities and the motives for their death are not yet clear. But shell casings from an assault rifle have been found nearby and such weapons are favored by Mexico's violent drug cartels.
In the Sonora border city of Nogales, state police officer found a man's body in a plastic container bearing drug-related messages.
Hey Playaperro.......how's your new alter ego doing??? :stir::twisted::rofl:
I'm missing the point. What is funny about any of this. It will damage any kind of recovery to the ecconomy. It will also make some of the diehards to rethink coming down to Mexico.