WiFi assistance needed

Hi All

We live near Santo Tomas and are looking for some assistance with our WiFi. We have the highest level account we can get with Viasat however I feel it should be better than it is. I know we are pretty remote so I understand the service not being great but it’s pretty awful at the moment. I am looking for a company to hire to come out and check the equipment and settings to see if there is anything we can do to increase speed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


We had VIASAT for 2 years in Playa Encanto but we switched due to cost and bandwidth limitations. Ours always worked reasonably well. I would call whoever it was you got the service through and asked them to have someone come out. It’s possible the antenna is misaligned. Another thing you can do is take one of those nylon sink sponges and clean the dish. That helped with ours a couple times.


El Pirata
Anyone having WiFi problems with new fiber optic line in Las Conchas, worked fantastic at first hasn’t worked in 5 months.


El Pirata
Thanks for the reply, I guess I haven’t had any luck with their tech’s, rewired the house said it was one of ten poles, never fixed it had to come back, by chance do you have a number I can call from Tucson. Thanks in advance.


El Pirata
Have you tried re-setting your modem/router?
Yeah ran another feed thru the outside of house and no signal coming in tech said he had to check 10 poles. I had to come back to Tucson so I wasn’t able to stick around and chase him around. You can’t call from the USA I did go TelMex office to get them to go out next day, also you can call 050 from a TelMex phone and report but people just don’t want to get involved. I guess Roberto not in Penasco.


El Pirata
Thanks Cortez2 for info I did call them and they told me I was out of luck had to be in Mexico, I do have a housekeeper and caretaker and housekeeper going to report the fiber optic line. Unfortunately for me I got locked out for no having a residence card. Many things come into play but the main one is crossing back to the USA which was never an issue on a off weekend.