Wish me luck.


I've been calling a lot of you guys and gals "my family" for some time now so here goes. I've been having a bad cough since I was down in June and over the fourth in phoenix it got worse, that along with some shortness of breath. I finally got my but in for a x-ray late last week and it shows something that's not good, but they don't know what and we'll be taking a closer look at tomorrow with a CT scan. I've gone 60 years with nothing more than self inflicted wounds and a few by others, wish me luck.



Good luck,Kenny. I hope everything goes well. I'll keep you in my prayers.


Good luck ken, i am thinking positive and guessing due to your activity level and health that is wont be the worst case scenario. there has been a nasty lung infection going around this year so if that is what they find make sure and get plenty of rest and beat it and be back to fishing for the fall season.



Good luck, kenny ! Will be sending good thoughts your way. Your situation is starting off like mine did a few years back. My arm went numb so I went to the doc, after shocking the heck out of me and finding nothing he sets me up for an MRI. The day after the MRI my wife gets a call from the doc saying I need to be at his office later that day for a consultation. The doc informs me I have brain tumor and I need surgery immediately but wants to do a CAT scan. After the CAT scan was done he tells me it was nothing more then an abnormal bone growth off my spine. Needless to say I could have killed the SOB on the spot for all the anxiety.
It all turned out well as will your situation. :D


I like pie.
Staff member
Good luck man. I've only known you a little bit, but you've been really helpful!

Keep us posted.

I don't post often but had to say - you will be in our prayers. I also put a call out to my friends for prayers and good thoughts in February. All is well now and you will be too! Good Luck!


You know we're all here for you Kenny. Best of luck... prove 'em wrong.


Hey Kenny,
Think positive. My brother had a cough and tickle in his throat for a couple months before going to the doctor and it was just an infection. A few antibiotics did the trick. I here am pulling for you.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Best of luck, Kenny! I went through a scare close to that a few years ago. Turned out I had a bad infection and there was some scar material the size of a dime on my lung from having Valley Fever at some point, actually fairly common for us outdoors Southwestern types. They monitored it for a year or two and no change in size or anything before they reached that conclusion. I wasn't up for them doing a lung biopsy!

Keep us posted, hope all turns out well!!


Hey Kenny, I look at chest Xray reports all the time. Most likely you have an infection, but on the Xray they found a granuloma which is old scarring (basicly) from past infections like Valley Fever. A radiologist is always going to CYA. So they recommend additional testing to confirm what the suspicious area is. Then they'll follow for awhile to make sure it's stable. Keep positive thoughts.....

I don't know what your risk facts are...but if you smoke....quit. No good comes of it.

In my prayers.....
Good luck Kenny....."attitude" can get you through a lot. I went thru my own scare earlier this year....fortunately minor surgery took care of it. Also haven't had anything serious all of my years...and I'm your age. Makes you ponder your "mortality"....again...wishing you the best!


Kenny my friend, we, Alicia and me are keeping you in our thoughts, we wish you the best and know that you will be back to normal in no time fishing again!!!! :sunny: ;)


Kenny, have you heard back regarding the results of your test? I know they will be good. Need you back fishin and telling stories. :boat:


Kenny...my thoughts and prayers are with you..hope everything went well at the dr's. Keep us all posted.. ;)