Saying hello, and asking my gringolandia questions now that I am moving to Rocky Point

Julie, when purchasing property in Mexico be sure to talk to someone besides the real estate agent to get a better understanding of the ownership process. By law non Mexicans aren't allowed to own property within 60 miles of the coastline. There are vehicles to allow this, one is a bank trust. The only areas I'm aware that have them is Cholla Bay, Las conchas has an old expiring one. There maybe others. Bottom line speak with someone who knows and has experience with the buying process. There are more than a few real estate agents down there I wouldn't by anything from. There are some pretty good ones too, so choose wisely
I am most probably buying in Cholla. However, I was told I would need to do a new trust? (I think that is what she said) Also, something about fixing it (can't remember the term she used) it would cost more to fix it. Anyway, I really appreciate all advice.
Julie, when purchasing property in Mexico be sure to talk to someone besides the real estate agent to get a better understanding of the ownership process. By law non Mexicans aren't allowed to own property within 60 miles of the coastline. There are vehicles to allow this, one is a bank trust. The only areas I'm aware that have them is Cholla Bay, Las conchas has an old expiring one. There maybe others. Bottom line speak with someone who knows and has experience with the buying process. There are more than a few real estate agents down there I wouldn't by anything from. There are some pretty good ones too, so choose wisely
Playa Encanto, Dorado, la Jolla , and Miramar all have bank trusts . Be veryycareful in Cholla a lot of problem properties
Julie you are already being smart . Listen to as manu people as possible, we all have stories to tell ,some scary & some good stuff. Don't buy on emotion and you'll be alright
I am most probably buying in Cholla. However, I was told I would need to do a new trust? (I think that is what she said) Also, something about fixing it (can't remember the term she used) it would cost more to fix it. Anyway, I really appreciate all advice.
Make sure the seller is paying the Capitol gains, it's like 35% of the gain, my neighbor in Cholla was surprised with a 40k cost to finalize their trust because the agent in the deal, had it structured so the sellers weren't responsible for their gains on the house. Per the sellers request. The buyers trusted the their real estate agent who was just as crooked as the sellers agent, that woman still sells property in RP, Sadly.
I am most probably buying in Cholla. However, I was told I would need to do a new trust? (I think that is what she said) Also, something about fixing it (can't remember the term she used) it would cost more to fix it. Anyway, I really appreciate all advice.
We were told we were the first in eight years to get our trust in Cholla Bay. It is just being recorded this month. If you are interested in a second source for the Trust PM me and I will get you her information. You need someone working on your side, not just the seller and real estate agent. They are not all created equal.

We were told we were the first in eight years to get our trust in Cholla Bay. It is just being recorded this month. If you are interested in a second source for the Trust PM me and I will get you her information. You need someone working on your side, not just the seller and real estate agent. They are not all created equal.

+1 on that, also Rick has fresh experience on this.
Make sure the seller is paying the Capitol gains, it's like 35% of the gain, my neighbor in Cholla was surprised with a 40k cost to finalize their trust because the agent in the deal, had it structured so the sellers weren't responsible for their gains on the house. Per the sellers request. The buyers trusted the their real estate agent who was just as crooked as the sellers agent, that woman still sells property in RP, Sadly.
I don't know what you mean by capital gains-is this something paid in Mexico to the government? How do you structure this to not have to pay this? Mind pming me the real estate agent name? (I am working with a female agent, and hope not the same one)
We were told we were the first in eight years to get our trust in Cholla Bay. It is just being recorded this month. If you are interested in a second source for the Trust PM me and I will get you her information. You need someone working on your side, not just the seller and real estate agent. They are not all created equal.

When you say "her" what do you mean-what job title? There is something wrong with the land the house is on, it used to be one person owning two houses, and now they are being sold separately, and so the house has to be " " fixed. (I cannot remember the word she used) She said it would cost about 1k more to fix this issue. The house I am probably buying is a fix up. Thanks for any help.
When you say "her" what do you mean-what job title? There is something wrong with the land the house is on, it used to be one person owning two houses, and now they are being sold separately, and so the house has to be " " fixed. (I cannot remember the word she used) She said it would cost about 1k more to fix this issue. The house I am probably buying is a fix up. Thanks for any help.
I am not sure I understand all your questions. The term "her" was referring to the person that helped me get the trusts for my property, you need to trust that person. If the two houses are in one Trust then they would have to be divided or split ( 1K sounds cheap). My understanding is that you now have to get a new Trust for properties in Cholla. Capital gains is the same as in the USA. It's the difference in what they paid and what they are selling it for. Make sure the seller is paying this. I hope I didn't confuse things more.
Julie I have been reading you questions and now have to come in with an opinion. I rented for more than 10 years various houses, etc before I bought and even then I discovered how green gingo I was. May I suggest you rent in town first before you buy. There are many surprises to buying real estate in Mexico. I was not prepared and it sounds like neither are you. I am sure you can find a house in town that will take you and your cats. Have you even started on your FMM?
Julie I have been reading you questions and now have to come in with an opinion. I rented for more than 10 years various houses, etc before I bought and even then I discovered how green gingo I was. May I suggest you rent in town first before you buy. There are many surprises to buying real estate in Mexico. I was not prepared and it sounds like neither are you. I am sure you can find a house in town that will take you and your cats. Have you even started on your FMM?

Best Advice! I wish we had done this as owning here isnt always the best investment. Do your research!
When you say "her" what do you mean-what job title? There is something wrong with the land the house is on, it used to be one person owning two houses, and now they are being sold separately, and so the house has to be " " fixed. (I cannot remember the word she used) She said it would cost about 1k more to fix this issue. The house I am probably buying is a fix up. Thanks for any help.
I sent you a PM. As per some of the suggestions. Renting is what I would do while you sort this out.
If you are looking to make $$ from this investment you may be in for a rude suprise.
I sent you a PM. As per some of the suggestions. Renting is what I would do while you sort this out.
If you are looking to make $$ from this investment you may be in for a rude suprise.
I am not looking to buy as a money maker. I am retiring, and looking to have a place to live. I am going to rent first, but really have my heart set on a low cost house to fix up, so we'll see. I originally was thinking about moving to Rosarito beach, but it seemed much more expensive than RP, and am trying to keep money in the bank, instead of spending it all. I have always wanted to live by the ocean, and can't afford California, or Hawaii, and the East coast is not my style, and is also expensive. I was thinking about Florida, but it seems like a bug infested, sweat hell.
Julie I have been reading you questions and now have to come in with an opinion. I rented for more than 10 years various houses, etc before I bought and even then I discovered how green gingo I was. May I suggest you rent in town first before you buy. There are many surprises to buying real estate in Mexico. I was not prepared and it sounds like neither are you. I am sure you can find a house in town that will take you and your cats. Have you even started on your FMM?
I will be doing the FMM soon, as I am in the process of getting my passport sorted out.
I am not sure I understand all your questions. The term "her" was referring to the person that helped me get the trusts for my property, you need to trust that person. If the two houses are in one Trust then they would have to be divided or split ( 1K sounds cheap). My understanding is that you now have to get a new Trust for properties in Cholla. Capital gains is the same as in the USA. It's the difference in what they paid and what they are selling it for. Make sure the seller is paying this. I hope I didn't confuse things more.
What is the title of the person who got the trusts? The 1k was in addition to the normal fees.
I spent parts of 3 summers before we had electricity in Cholla. So, Oh yeah,
And I can tell you Rosarita or Ensenada is a great option from July 5- Oct. 1st.
Dew points hovering around 80 are brutal and "No mey gusto".
One of the persons in the office is a real estate agent and the other is lawyer. It cost me $860 just to cancel the existing trust.
I was told by my real estate agent that the closing costs for a house, regardless of price you might pay 6-8k. I am expecting to pay that.