Pizza Making 101.
Pizza Making 101.
Semolina flour is good for the pizza not sticking to the peel as well as as little time on the peel as possible.
When cooking a pizza in a dome oven with wood, the oven floor temperature should be over 550 degrees with 650-750 being optimal. Up in the dome it will be 900+.
Pizza will cook in 1 1/2 to 2 minutes which is why it is rotated a few times to keep it from burning and lifted off the oven floor to have the dome heat cook
the top for 10-20 seconds. The dough will get perfect when cooked in this high of a heat. Use an infared thermometer to verify temp. of oven.
At home I have 2 stones in my electric oven, one on the oven floor and one on the top rack 3" from the broiler. I cook at 500 degrees and start on the lower stone raise to the top after 2-3 minutes and finish it there. Crust gets some crisp and char which adds to the flavor.
You can buy pizza dough at Fresh and Easy, (it's good for $1.50 per ball) or at Sprouts (frozen at $2.50) which is better and at your
local pizza place if the sell it, many will, but some refuse to.
Don't load up the toppings or you will get a really soggy pizza, and let the dough get to room temperature before stretching it.
Now I really want a dome oven for my backyard.