Continued Harassment by the Police Department

Terry C

A couple of ladies from Playa Encanto emailed me this, help!

There’s still a growing problem with the ongoing Harassment with the Police Department in Puerto Penasco and Sonota. We continue to get pulled over every time we cross the border and every time we exit. The Police officers demand money on the spot. Both of these Police Officers demanded money $80.00 from us at the border for something we didn’t do. Everytime I come down to Mexico they pull us over demanding money! This problem continues to be growing! What can we do? This is corruption and it needs to be addressed! We’re not breaking any laws they just want to scare you and take your money! I’m really getting tired of it!
Please let me know if there is anything or anybody we can talk to about this.

GV Jack

Snorin God
I've never had that problem, but plenty have. Of course they know better than to mess with the Green Valley Desperado.

I've also heard that if you say, okay, lets go see the judge and talk about it. If there are two of you, you have a witness. I'm
thinking they'll let you go. At least, that's what others have said. Good luck.

Over the years I have come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to: JUST ACT DUMB.

Those thievin bastards certainly aren't stupid enough to assume every Gringo speaks and comprehends esh-pan-yole.

Even if you do, don't ever let them think that you do.

If they speak English or spanglish continue to "just act dumb", with a stupid fake grin just speak to them in clear concise English with a simple "I do not understand what you are saying to me".

Most times they will give up in frustration and let you go. If not, go ahead and let them take you the the police station. I've got that far a few times, then on the way to the station something more important comes up and they just blast away and leave you there in the dust.

One of their favorite ploys, especially on weekends is that the police station is closed for the weekend and joo-mus-pay-me-now. That just total BS since the police stations never close down there.

And by the way, the "Judge" does not reside in the police station.

I've never paid them and never will.

Just sayin,



If they see you have dogs they will target you....they know you will not leave El Fido in a hot car in front of th station
Two of the last 3 trips through Sonoyta I was stopped before the 1st turn. (going exactly 40kph).
The 1st time I used Jerry's badge #18 question back to the officer and let us go with a warning.
The 2nd time I had someone traveling with me using my phone and videoed my trip through Sonoyta with the speedometer showing,
they stopped me said I was going 60kph.
I laughed and started to show my phone video to him, he walked back to his car and drove away.
Man 25mph(40kph) is all I will do in that corrupt little town.
This all started at Super bowl weekend. It is a pain to have to defend that you are actually obeying the speed limits,
It just starts the whole trip off on a bad note.


They know you now, I speak spanish and I tell them go to hell or take me to the judge, listen to the advice here, if you feed the kitty they will be back for more

Terry C

Pretty much what I thought everyone was doing still. I will past this information on to them. It sucks they pick on two ladies in vehicle.



Reality is most people don't read this forum. Take your average family coming down to RP, kids in the back of the car. Police pull you over demanding money, kids are scared, etc... Makes it easy to say now we play stupid, demand a judge, show them a recording... This crap just needs to stop if RP plans on being in the big leagues with a cruise port
Ben21 you are totally right. It has been nice hearing tourists are coming back and resorts are filled up but the past month we have been hearing from people that they finally decided to come back to rp and had a great trip, felt safe etc BUT were pulled over by the cops for no reason and hassled for money. The amounts they want are high and most do not know to go to court house and just pay it. It does leave a bad taste and has some thinking twice on coming back.


There is a phone number posted on a board coming through Sonoyta to call to report corruption. I do not have it but maybe someone coming down can see it and get the number. I have never paid at the curb either and most of the time, if I get stopped, they do not want to bother going to court so they let you go on about your business.

Bob Oso

Lucky so far I haven't been tagged in Sonoyta, I'm sure just a matter of time. But what gets me is how RP doesn't have more power in preventing what's happening in the border town. Or is not yet a problem for RP, as they see it? Too bad Rosy doesn't come on here much anymore, liked to hear what she has to say about it.
But what gets me is how RP doesn't have more power in preventing what's happening in the border town.
That's like saying the reservation cops care what happens on the other side of the "boarder" from them. If you're on their property, you better watch your speed.


I have been down here full time for 2.5 years. I don't ever remember seeing a speed sign anywhere in town. For the last couple of week, I have been trying real hard to find one. Does anyone know where they are or is there a standard speed we should all just know.


As far as Sonoyta, I do the crawl.... Never more than 20 mph. I do pull over occasionally for those behind me. I have even had cops in the line behind me.. :)


What is the speed limit in Puerto Penasco? And does anyone know where the speed limit signs are anywhere in town?... I have been looking carefully for about a month but can't find any...

Cholla has some nice signs in mph and kph.

GV Jack

Snorin God
I've seen signs on Fremont heading toward the south. Can't remember what speed they called for.

Doesn't make any difference they either go real slow or real fast.
Today I was all prepared to duel with the crooked Policia in Sonoyta. Crossed Sat. at 3PM got the red light and after a couple of questions from
the agent off we went. I crawled through Sonoyta at 25mph (40kph) the shortcut is finished, looks and drives nice.
Guess what happened!!!
Nada, only accosted by the Bomberos, gladly gave them $2 to safely pass.
Sadly, We weren't held hostage by anyone, disappointing. Guess we have to struggle through the next week with only boring
Puerto Penasco at it's best. ;)
Only real threat is that the internet and cell phone service are overwhelmed currently, can't wait for all the Gringos to go home.:D