Dental implants


Dr. Ernesto Girlalva on Freemont Blvd. 638-383-3434. Call Mario to make your appointment . You will get execellent care here. English speaking office.
A dentist and oral surgeon. Any questions call Steve 623-327-9000


Dr Abraham Estrada on Revolucion (Rodeo Dr a block from the lumber yard) is a great dentist, oral surgeon and implant specialist. He is very polite, patient oriented, totally bilingual and has very flexible hours. US # 602 774 4494. MX # 638 383 5652. I doubt you will go wrong with him.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
do either of you two have ballpark figures on cost? He was quoted 50 thou here and that's just not possible.....

AZ Miguel

If you want to enjoy the beach you go to Rocky Point.

If you want to get the BEST affordable dental you go to Los Algodones.
I have used and can recommend Ja-Bal in Los Algodones, Local US number is 928-227-1055
Los Algodones is the dental capital and you will have many to chose from all within walking distance from each other.


My sister and I both had work done by Anna Karina at in Algodones and both are very satisfied with the work and the prices. Don't forget when you go to Algodones that there are "snowbird" prices and "low season" prices. When the Canadian leave Yuma, the prices on everything including meds, dental work, and eye glasses drop. This has been and still is a tough winter up north, they may not be leaving real soon. :)


Dr Abraham Estrada on Revolucion (Rodeo Dr a block from the lumber yard) is a great dentist, oral surgeon and implant specialist. He is very polite, patient oriented, totally bilingual and has very flexible hours. US # 602 774 4494. MX # 638 383 5652. I doubt you will go wrong with him.
Dr Estrada typically charges between $1500 & $1800 for the extraction, implant, abutment and crown.




Algodones has 3 labs there as well. Alot of patients come from all over the us and Canada for dental care. They also have much
more experience and practice with older patients. Usually for extensive work figure 3-4 hrs in the chair. Also there are dentists
that have closed up in US and opened in algodones without any hassles. They live in Yuma. Algodones also has a huge
agriculture base and also the brick refractory is there. They have plenty of water. There are also alot of organic farms
that US Farmers are leasing from the mexicans. They have the water, mostly flood irrigation. It's a fairly robust and dynamic
community. The dentists being very close to Yuma also have US bank accounts and some accept checks. I believe more
sustainable than Penasco. Major Airport in Mexicali, Freight Rail, Yuma, and WATER!!.


Circle Dental Group is the one I've used for past year. saved $30,000 from US dentists. Implants and extraction lab work usually
run about $2-3000 upper or lower. be careful with upper implants. Too close to sinus cavities, and also smoking interferes with
healing in bone tissue. you are in the chair for 2-3 hours for extractions and drilling out the jawbone to insert the socket. takes 6-8
months to heal. go back and have dentures attached. Ask for Nobel type implants(titanium) as opposed to cheaper stainless.
Check out nobel's dental website. Learn every thing about dental implants and get it done. Hope this helps.


I just enquired about full dentures here in RP and was quoted around $900. the dental place in Algodones quoted $500. guess that is my next stop. they also have deal with Yuma hotels, and provide free transport to and from your hotel in Yuma