OK, beloved family


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I thought about waiting until I was sure but I know I don't have colon or stomach cancer. She thinks it's H Pylori, a stomach bacteria you get from contaminated food or water. So we know where I got it from. Just so you guys know, it makes red streaks on your stomach walls. An upper GI will show it. I'm waiting for my phone call and script. A week on antibiotics will fix it. I'm just glad I have concrete floors. It's no fun.... I want my appetite back but I don't want these 55 pounds back. Don't suffer like I did for 8 months.... Go to a GI and get an upper GI if you have my symptoms of no appetite and rapid weight loss. Banner is wonderful.
Great to hear and that it is something treatable. You should be able to come to Rocky Point soon. I like to be down the 55 just a easier way.

Cholla Bay
DONT DRINK THE WATER.....haha Just kidding. Would be funny if you got from eating / drinking something in the good ol' USA.
I had it from contaminated fruit in cabo and am surprised you only have to do 1type of antibiotics for 1 week. It is usually an aggressive bug to kill and i was on 3 differnet types for 3 weeks. They were finding out a weeks worth was not enough to kill and wouold more than often return.


Chari Like I said earlier to you I had the same thing and the antibiotics killed it dead and it was from food I ate in the US...


Great news! You always think of the worst, and most of the time it turns out to be an easy fix. You'll be up to speed in no time.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Well, who knows... I could have gotten it from here. I just hope that is the answer. I am sick of being sick.


H pylori is the bacteria which causes stomach ulcers. You take an antibiotic, and that rids your body of the bacteria, so that's great news. Please let us know if that's what the doctor says.


I lived in Central America for 4 years and got food poisoning once. I have been traveling to Rocky Point since 1975 and since 2005 I go down every 5 weekends. Never got sick!
I got food poisoning twice in the past 5 years and both times after eating at a Scottsdale restaurant. LOL!
Good luck with your recovery. I am glad you found out what's ailing you.

People are adamant and confident about where they ate something that got them sick but in reality it is difficult to prove. Bacteria can be picked up anywhere, may stay in your body for several days before blooming and can be passed in many ways including a handshake.


They can often run a DNA on that particular strain and make a pretty accurate guess where the infecting agent bactria came from.


Good luck with your recovery. I am glad you found out what's ailing you.

People are adamant and confident about where they ate something that got them sick but in reality it is difficult to prove. Bacteria can be picked up anywhere, may stay in your body for several days before blooming and can be passed in many ways including a handshake.
. Real hot day on a jungle river in Coasta Rica I had a fresh fruit smoothie. I watched that ice going in the blender and almost did not drink it but thirst won out.5 long days hugging tolets in hotels airports and over crowded planes was the result.


I really hope you file a report back to the clinic that you were going to before you switched. They need to review the terrible medical care you got. I'm not talking law suit, but it seems to me that your lack of treatment was probably malpractice and that Doc needs to know how off the mark he or she was. Its for the good of the rest of the world, not for vengence.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Wild Toucan and Az Rob, what kind of antibiotics did you take? Roberto, if I had enough strength to get out of bed, I would file a complaint. This has been hell.....