
Inquiring minds want to know(my wife). Is it legal to carry a stun gun or taser across the border or to posess in Mexico. How about pepper spray. Any information on this subject would be appreciated. Thanks Blaine
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AKA Carnac
Stun gun

If they were legal I think you would see FAST CHARGE STUN GUN rentals in most hotel lobby's and the Mayan would be offering your choice of a DINNER FOR TWO, a SUNSET CRUISE or HIS AND HER STUN GUNS for a no obligation tour.
With all of the new English speeking police officers it would seem one could go to the police station and find out. I no one else has done it I will go in after Christmas and ask!


AKA Carnac
If you go you may want to take papers showing exactly what you are inquiring about and an explanation of what it does you could probably get alot of different opinions (misinterpretations) if you dont.
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I would use pepper spray. Wasp spray could blind someone and get you in much worse trouble. Don't get me wrong if that is all you have then use it but it would be better to be prepared. Pepper spray will dissable someone pretty quick. I doubt that any of us are going to run into the cartel and use pepper spray to defend ourselfs. It's more likely to run into someone that wants something from you.

Cholla Bay


My understanding is that Tazer's, stun guns, mace and pepper spray are not legal here in Mexico. I think this is so because these items are described as intended to be used similar to a weapon and you cannot carry a weapon, even a club or or knife. Depends on who you ask what answer you get. I do know that a friend was detained a couple of days because she had pepper spray in her purse. I do know that I was stopped a couple of years ago and had to pay a fine because I had several knives in the truck and no it was not a curb fine, I went to court.

This is why I keep a can of fast discharge wasp and hornet spray handy, in the vehicle, home and office. I have a serious problem with these pests. Perfectly legal and very effective. Just don't say you carried it for self protection. It just happened to be handy. The smell is enough to disorient someone, you don't have to spray it directly in their face. The bit about blinding someone might be a problem in the US, but it would be the same if you shot them and did not kill them outright. Reasonable force is a post event determination open to interpretation so the lawyers love it. There was a time in my life that I got death threats and was told then by local law enforcement to shoot them on the porch and drag the body across the doorstep but to be sure to kill them not wound them.


My wife is more interested in protecting her dogs from other dogs than people. I know these will quickly dicourage an attacking dog but dont want to do something I shouldnt.
Ammonia is a very effective deterrent for dogs. A squirt gun or bottle might do it. I had dogs tipping my trash can almost daily till I started splashing some ammonia in and next to the can.


My wife is more interested in protecting her dogs from other dogs than people. I know these will quickly dicourage an attacking dog but dont want to do something I shouldnt.
If people would keep dogs on a leash it would not be an issue. Some Jacka$$ was walking their dog without a leash and it attacked me. Wish I had a gun!!!
Tell me about it....there is/was a gringo who lives in Penasco who would bring all his dogs (about 5) in his van down to the beach in front of PDO/San Rafael, and let them run loose every day. What a royal pain when you're trying to walk yours, and there are 4-5 dogs harassaing yours.....and he would do nothing about calling off his dogs.....fortunately they didn't apear to be the type to attack.....:hairout:


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Tell me about it....there is/was a gringo who lives in Penasco who would bring all his dogs (about 5) in his van down to the beach in front of PDO/San Rafael, and let them run loose every day. What a royal pain when you're trying to walk yours, and there are 4-5 dogs harassaing yours.....and he would do nothing about calling off his dogs.....fortunately they didn't apear to be the type to attack.....:hairout:
Oh quit your ~ ~ ~ :crybaby: ing, ~ ~ ~ AND your, ~ ~ ~ :whine: ing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is true Irma,

Jack Stien,
Merry Christmas Happy....maybe Santa will bring you a better "online" personality!!! I've heard from others that you are much nicer in person!!! :moon::rofl: