Taking boat to Rocky Point

FYI If you are headed down with boat
here is some information about crossing the border with your boat, if you plan to do that.

the 61st CBSC Fishing Derby gets underway April 14th-17th as well as May 12th-15th A glitch in the whole system is a boat permit at the border crossing that is new and requires both an original and copy of boat registration, passport, drivers license and title.Quite a list and the permit costs $60. What a bargain! It's supposed to be good for ten years. What else has been good for ten years in Mexico? Now the kicker. You can't cross the border with your boat at Sonoyta since they closed the bank window there and the permit is only available at the San Luis crossing. This was just made public in the last few days and at this writing I'm trying to give every one a head's up until further info is available. down


If they have closed the bank at the Sonoyta crossing how do you import and pay the tax on items? We are headed down with 3 vinyl sliding door units, crossing at Sonoyta, and plan to stop and pay the tax.
Some advice on crossing with your boat at San Luis Rio Colorado.....

We do it at least once a month and here is what Senior Aduana will want to see:

1. Current Arizona registration on the truck, boat and trailer with actual matching VIN numbers with your name on all of the documents.

2. A document of some sort with the serial numbers of the outboards that match those actually on the outboards.

3. The export permit for the boat with the matching sticker on the windshield.

They usually board the boat for a look-see. I usaully have ten to fifteen rod/reel combos on board which always gets their attention. I explain why we need so many and the different function of each rig which is usually enough to satisfy them.

When crossing with a big trailer always use the far right lane because they will always direct you to the secondary inspection even if you get a green light. Being in the far right lane will help when making the bitch of a hard left turn into secondary.

With my Ford F-350 Dually and a 36 foot trailer I always end up blocking all incoming lanes for a few minutes which causes a mini riot with honking horns, cussing Mexicans and three or four Aduana's all yelling out different directions.

They have never asked me about fuel on the boat (150 gallons) but will not allow any full portable fuel cans on the boat, in your truck or on your Jeep.

So usually all they take is fifteen or twenty minutes of your time and you're on you're merry way. From that point to the big windmill in PP is about 2 1/2 hours travel time on the new highway doing 70 mph. Gas up before you cross the border because the only Pemex station is in El Golfo de Santa Clara which is infested with Mexican cops of the worst kind. No matter what you are doing you WILL get stopped by one of them and get shook down for some cash.

Coming back into the USSA is another story!



El Pirata
If they have closed the bank at the Sonoyta crossing how do you import and pay the tax on items? We are headed down with 3 vinyl sliding door units, crossing at Sonoyta, and plan to stop and pay the tax.
I stopped and got an fmm and paid them direct on the spot. Paid 28 bucks with her exchanging dollars for pesos, she made 5 bucks. Hola a Mexico she said.
If they have closed the bank at the Sonoyta crossing how do you import and pay the tax on items? We are headed down with 3 vinyl sliding door units, crossing at Sonoyta, and plan to stop and pay the tax.
I just brought a stove across and the Impuesto guard now takes your cash. I expected a hard time from this new system but lucked out with a very friendly guard and a much lower tax to pay than I expected.


I've paid the "tax" before that way too. I stop and offer to pay and if that's the way they're doing it on that shift who I'm I to argue, better deal anyway. If that's the new method, no problem. I'll bet everybody is applying to work the Mexican side of the border now. LOL
. It looks like you can do it all online. Go to http://www.sportfishinginmexico.com
Under "Individual requirements" clilck on "Vessel Temporary Import Permit" that will give you more information. You will ultimately have to go to www.banjercito.com.mx. On the upper right you will find "Application for Temporary Import Permit for vehicles boats and Rvs" Click on that and it will take you through the process. It is all in spanish so you'll have to use your translate button if you don't read spanish.


Got mine last year. I think its good for 10 years. Boat stays in storage in RP. Never been asked for it, but at least its current.
For those with kyaks and or inflatable pontoons. I just looked up the regs and they say no permit required on vessels up to 14 ft 6 in.
At the bnordr they may ask for title or proof of ownership on the boat and a title on the trailer if you use one.
Update on new crossing rules with a truck, trailer and big boat thru San Luis RC..........

Two weeks ago we crossed at SLRC and were met with a pleasant surprise!

They have a new far right lane designated for auto-boos-es y tri-lairs. It's a straight shot now using the far right lane on the USSA side, thru the Mexi aduanas and then straight in town and take the first left onto the highway. No more making that almost impossible left turn into the main aduana staging area!

They, all girls now, cute and very friendly with note pads in hand that they used to jot down a few words in English that related to boat parts, only wanted to see the boat and tri-lair papeles, matched them up and a quick hasta la vista Senior. One climbed in the boat, looked in the cabin and two fish lockers and that was it, not even a peek in the truck cab or load in the bed.

Coming back thru the USSA side was as expected, a total nightmare! The far left RV and bus lane had a red light and only after I was at the point of no return in next right lane did they turn on the green light for the RV and bus lane and directed me there. After forcing a bunch of cars to back up I was barely able to jack knife the trailer enough to scrape a steel post and get a yellow racing stripe all along the right trailer fender. Got to the booth and the guy just waved me through. I asked him why not even a little look-see at my rigs? He was very friendly and said that I was a "frequent crosser" now and wouldn't be getting picked over any more.

