Tourist dies in rent a Rhino off road vehicle accident


Horrible accident, Kia slams into 'Rhino' golf cart, tourist woman dies

Fallece joven mujer en accidente en bulevar costero de Puerto Peñasco
Saldo de una joven mujer turista fallecida dejó un fuerte accidente entre un vehículo tipo... sedán y otro vehículo tipo “Rhino”, ocurrido sobre el entronque del bulevar Dr. Ernesto Guevara (bulevar costero) y Paseo Balboa.
El fatal accidente, registrado alrededor de las 16:00 horas de hoy sábado, 27 de abril, dejó al menos a otras dos personas lesionadas, siendo trasladas a una clínica de la localidad.



Tragic but predictable given the way people drive, especially around the holiday vacations. Citations for traffic infractions seem to be absent.. They drive crazy in Mexicali as well but there is a police vehicle parked and active at many intercessions. Here it seems the policy is to let the folks play on the roads unfettered. I don't follow local news much but reports of deaths and bad accidents seem absent.
Sad news,
That stretch of the road where it turns off to Playa Bonita is where a few bad accidents seem to have happened before.
People drive 50-60mph on it and the turn off to go to Playa Bonita (Ave Vallarta) is sorta hidden and trying to turn from it on to
Playa Bonita road (Ave Vallarta) at the last second is dangerous if you're going 50mph.

This 3 way intersection has bad visibility because of the fences and signs, turning from it to the main road (Del Campo)
(this is probably where and why it happened).


Lovin it in RP!
The intersection where this happened is one of the most dangerous ones here. It is where the condo road turns towards Playa Bonita resort. It is very hard to see traffic coming in all directions because of the shape of the road and add to that the billboards at street level that run right up to the intersection on both side of the Playa Bonita road. I hope that a traffic change happens there, even a traffic light, at least massive speed bumps it is just too dangerous.


Speed there is a big factor. If you are here frequently or live here you already know you cannot assume that you have the right of way ever. A little appropriate traffic enforcement would go a long way. Fear of damaging tourism is a big factor I think. As discussed elsewhere on this forum, the biggest risk of life and limb in Penasco is traffic, not cartel activity. I have had one traffic accident after over 50 years driving and it was here, and it was a TAXI !
I'm going back maybe 15 years ago, a friend and his friend were having a good time drinking and driving their quads when his friend, a beer in his hand, plowed into him, end of my friend, died in hospital a very short time later, Calle 13 !
I'm going back maybe 15 years ago, a friend and his friend were having a good time drinking and driving their quads when his friend, a beer in his hand, plowed into him, end of my friend, died in hospital a very short time later, Calle 13 !
Aint alcohol in the hands of idiots great?
My wife and I have talked for years about how dangerous that intersection is, and we mentioned it again this past weekend when making the left turn back to the condos coming from the Malecon. It is essentially a blind turn, you have to pull out into oncoming traffic to see to the left. We have always said they should turn it into a circular roundabout just like the next 2 intersections you hit going from there to Changos...
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You're right on Marty. It would be bad enough with normal car traffic, add inexperienced quad renters and it's an even more dangerous mix