Search results

  1. J

    Shrimp Buying

    Did you check the scales with a bottle of water or specifically ask for "the real scale" at 3Boys? If not, then you probably did not get 5lbs. And at $8/lb, its doubtful you didi either. When I buy there, I always check the scale with a bottle of water at which point the other scale comes...
  2. J

    El Chapo escapes from prison

    Obviously Shawshank was a virtual fortress relative to a Mexican maximum security prison ...
  3. J

    Emergency numbers

    I have Verizon as well .... they offer 100 minutes, 100 texts, and 100MB of data while in Mexico for $15/month and they'll let you start it before you head down and cancel it when you get back, prorating it for only the days you use .... was just down for the weekend and having phone service...
  4. J

    converting dollars to pesos

    I exchange money at that one earlier this week, actually got 0.1 (14.1 total) more than was being offered at the one near Super Ley.
  5. J

    Shrimp Prices

    Went to Productos de Mariscos on Monday and snapped some pics of the offerings if anyone is curious about current pricing .. Also got 14.1 pesos at the exchange so pesos would be cheaper here than dollars. For some reason, the site wont let me upload the pic (maybe because its greater than...
  6. J

    House Hunters International (2nd episode in Penasco)

    Dry Heat, I think Russ was referring to the planning dept stuff before your post. Pointing out that there is now a 3rd HH episode in PP is exactly on topic. And thanks for the alert, I set my DVR to tape it.
  7. J

    Road into RP

    Thanks for the info ... staying on Sandy Beach so Fremont won't be a factor on the way in ..
  8. J

    Road into RP

    Coming down tomorrow for a couple days of R&R. Is Highway 8 into town passable or should I turn off at Laguna Shores as recommended by Rocky Point 360?
  9. J

    The latest Newsletter from Cholla Bay!

    I'll assume everyone else has the same problem ... the link is to your email account. And while I'm not opposed to hacking your account, maybe you'd want to post this somewhere where everybody can read it?
  10. J

    BoomerFest Update

    It's official ... as if there was any doubt, Hi Jeff, The Boomer Fest Days Team have been working very hard on trying to create a unique music and cultural experience geared towards the Baby Boomer generation who frequent Puerto Peñasco, "Rocky Point", Mexico. Due to the low volume of...
  11. J

    Fresh Fish!

    tequila ... she's talking about Productos de Mariscos, the main seafood wholesaler in town. Best place to buy shrimp. You can specify brown or blue, no worries about weight and you can be sure every shrimp in the box is the size you are paying for. They have awesome frozen skinless, boneless...
  12. J

    Wierd scene coming into Rocky Point today.

    From CNN: Turns out at least one of the cartel's weapons came courtesy of the US gov't:
  13. J

    Forum deterioration is sad

    Roberto, Your problem with this board is nothing new with any chat board. Comes down to moderators. Many subject specific boards go apeshit when something extraordinary happens in the area of coverage. Surely recent events qualify as extraordinary. Successful boards handle it by...
  14. J

    Latest posting from Peñasco Recreation

    Is that boat actually named the Punta Penasco? There must be a meaning for punta other than the one I know ...
  15. J

    Territorial Cup 2013

    This is why they invented the Slingbox. I never have any issues about what is or is not available in RP when I can just stream everything on my home TV to wherever I am as long as I have net access.
  16. J


    I've bought whole tenderloins from the Cedasa on Sinaloa and Ocampo a number of times before. The place is now called Carneceria Sonorese but they still carry Cedasa products. They'll cut anything you want as they just bring in entire half cows. Last time I bought tenderloin was a couple of...
  17. J

    shrimp prices

    A couple of bucks a pound means nothing when Im down in PP, but it does affect how much I take home. When U10s were $6/lb. I would always haul back the 50lb limit. At $8+, I only took back a couple of blocks since I can get similar product at home at a similar price.
  18. J

    Tacos el Pablano - best al pastor anywhere

    Where do they get it? Is the place open to the public?
  19. J

    shrimp prices

    Productos de Mariscos is on Sinaloa one block off Benito Juarez almost directly east of the Burger King.
  20. J

    shrimp prices

    I was just down a couple of weeks ago, and yes, the shrimp prices are definitely higher than before, especially on the larger sizes. I buy my shrimp from Productos de Mariscos, the same wholesaler where the guys down at the port buy their shrimp. The U-12s were over $8 per lb, about the same...