2017 Corvina Contest

Hey all, just a heads up, I'm putting on a Corvina contest for all you other shore fisherman this year! Two grand prizes of surfcasting outfits. Good luck everyone!!!!

Submit an entry between 4/1/2017 and 11/1/2017 and you’re entered in the raffle! Multiple entries allowed, however, only one raffle entry per person.


- Corvina must be caught on rod and reel from shore or from a shore-launched kayak
- Fish may be caught sober or intoxicated. The fish itself should probably be sober.
- Live bait, dead bait and/or artificial lures are allowed.
- Spearfishing, traps, and netting not allowed.
- Fish can be caught anywhere from El Golfo de Santa Clara (west) to Punta Jaguey (east)
- Minimum entry: Shortfin: 15”, Orangemouth: 20”
- Fish can be released or kept
- Fish will be judged on length as determined by photo, photo must include fish on hard bump-board (no tape measure allowed) along with general description of when (i.e. 5 PM, June 5th) and where fish was caught (i.e. Las Conchas)

To submit your entry

Email it [email protected] or post in this thread with the following:

- A Clear photo of fish on the bump board
- Time and date of the catch
- Category (shortfin or orangemouth)
- General Location of the catch
- Angler contact information (name, email, phone number)
- Bait/lure used (optional)
- Weight of the fish and photo of fish on scale (optional)
- Witness contact information (name, email, phone number; optional in case of tie)

In the case of a dispute or tie, an eye-witness account will be used to verify the winning catch. If both catches can be verified and a tie still remains (equal length), other variables may be used to break the tie including weight (perceived or actual); coin toss; or prize may be converted to gift certificate and split among winners. Non-store bought bump-boards may be subject to verification. Buying me fish tacos and/or Cazadores won’t help you win. Don’t catch Totoaba. Just don’t cheat, chingon!!

Not sure what a bump board is.....think you should include Santo Tomas!

It just has to be a hard, flat, fixed surface for measuring fish as the commercial ones are reliably accurate. No tape measures etc. We'll see how it goes this year and maybe extend it to Santo Tomas or so next year :)


It's maybe 3 miles north to Jaguey from Santo Tomas which means you need a Atv,jeep etc....I have caught the biggest Corvina right off our beach....the weekenders would love this....great idea either way!


It's maybe 3 miles north to Jaguey from Santo Tomas which means you need a Atv,jeep etc....I have caught the biggest Corvina right off our beach....the weekenders would love this....great idea either way!
Commie, Pinko, Ratfink, Real estate promotor !!