2024 Mexico Property Taxes

Good news, the on-line portal to pay the property taxes is up and running. Which means you can also go pay in person,

My taxes in Cholla actually went DOWN 32% from last year, after going up 850% in 2023.

FYI, they moved the tax office back into the City building on the corner of Freemont and Benito Juarez.

Here is the On-line link: www.puertopenasco.gob.mx.


Don't you all go naive on us...this is Mexico. There's no due process or rules against discrimination. It may be tourist attack time!

Our Mirador taxes, in the tourist area, are going from 3900 to 9800 P. The taxes for our other two "lizard pasture" lots in way east Penasco, in the ghetto and not exactly a tourist zone, now have taxes lowered by 10 %....480 to 435!