3 years old DD suffering from cavities

Hey!! What are the reasons for cavities in baby teeth? My 3 years old DD has cavities and I was shocked when her dentist in Cambridge told me this. He said it might be because she falls asleep with the bottle. He asked me not to worry and assure me that she will be alright after undergoing baby teeth cavity treatment. I feel guilty for not taking proper care of my DD. Has anyone had a similar situation? How did you overcome this guilty feeling?


Hey!! What are the reasons for cavities in baby teeth? My 3 years old DD has cavities and I was shocked when her dentist in Cambridge told me this. He said it might be because she falls asleep with the bottle. He asked me not to worry and assure me that she will be alright after undergoing baby teeth cavity treatment. I feel guilty for not taking proper care of my DD. Has anyone had a similar situation? How did you overcome this guilty feeling?


Fluoride is our friend
As a pharmacist, I made sure my son received oral fluoride supplementation religiously from the time he was born. He now is 38 y.o. and has never had a cavity or filling in his lifetime. The dentist remarks every checkup that he has incredible teeth and should thank his Dad everyday. He certainly didn't get it through genetics, as the wife and I both have multiple fillings/crowns, RCT,etc. If your water does not contain fluoride, or you don't use tap water for drinking, do your young children a huge favor and administer a supplement daily.