4th of July Weekend - Elections (No Alcohol?)


Hello everyone! hope everyone had a great time in PP for Memorial Day weekend, i know i did! :woo:

Anyways - planning on going back for 4th of July but i heard the elections will be held on the 1st, i know in the past that no alcohol was served during that timeframe.... but does that mean it will only be dry on the 1st? or will it be for the whole weekend? :aagh:


"The polls done on the net,in Mexico show AMLO winning hands down. The social networks in spanish are dominated by AMLO supporters 10 to 1 over any other candidate. Same in english. Some polls show AMLO within 6 points. All his rising in the polls began after the 1st debate where AMLO trounced the PRI candidate.On June 10, the 2nd debate, expect AMLO to again win the debate and pull ahead in the polls during the last weeks before July. The PRI and the PAN will divide the majority vote. And AMLO will win with about 42%. The youth vote, AMLO seems to have their attention. The anti PRI marches by the university young are winds of change to a old corrput systum. Come July 1st 2012, Mexico will suprise the world when AMLO wins the Mexican presidency."

believe me you don't want to be down that weekend...it could be trouble so why risk it if you can do the week before or the week after?


"The polls done on the net,in Mexico show AMLO winning hands down. The social networks in spanish are dominated by AMLO supporters 10 to 1 over any other candidate. Same in english. Some polls show AMLO within 6 points. All his rising in the polls began after the 1st debate where AMLO trounced the PRI candidate.On June 10, the 2nd debate, expect AMLO to again win the debate and pull ahead in the polls during the last weeks before July. The PRI and the PAN will divide the majority vote. And AMLO will win with about 42%. The youth vote, AMLO seems to have their attention. The anti PRI marches by the university young are winds of change to a old corrput systum. Come July 1st 2012, Mexico will suprise the world when AMLO wins the Mexican presidency."

believe me you don't want to be down that weekend...it could be trouble so why risk it if you can do the week before or the week after?

I wont be down until the 3rd (after the weekend) but i have some friends who i will be meeting up there and they will be arriving on the 1st, just want to give them a heads up of what to expect (it is their first time to RP), and the reason they are going that weekend/week is it is my friends b-day and he has no other time off of work to go. I am sure we wont have any problems whatsoever, just need to tell him to make sure he brings enough alcohol for the first few days :lol:


Geat Jerry, what's a guy like me supposed to do ??
Serpentine... Serpentine Hey i think it will be ok but if it gets real close there could be protests/road blockages so Jim is right and i am wrong on the weekend that might be effected.

GV Jack

Snorin God
Jerry Said, "believe me you don't want to be down that weekend...it could be trouble so why risk it if you can do the week before or the week after?"

Jerry, as much as I hate to admit it, you have a great feel for these things. So, I ask a rather stupid question. I admit to total ignorance about Mexican
politics, so I don't know one party from the other. Are you saying that if the AMLO wins there could be violence or are you suggesting that no matter
who wins that could happen? In simple terms that a dolt like me can understand, what are the main differences between the AMLO, PRI & Pan?

My only experience with the politics was upon my last return going into Sonoyta on May 1st, May Day. There was a march on the main drag by the cut-off
to the back way which we wisely took. It looked very peacefull, but we didn't want to get stuck behind it.

I don't plan on returning until mid-August, because I like the nice cool breeze that time of year, but hopefully things will return to the calm peace we all love.


"The polls done on the net,in Mexico show AMLO winning hands down. The social networks in spanish are dominated by AMLO supporters 10 to 1 over any other candidate. Same in english. Some polls show AMLO within 6 points. All his rising in the polls began after the 1st debate where AMLO trounced the PRI candidate.On June 10, the 2nd debate, expect AMLO to again win the debate and pull ahead in the polls during the last weeks before July. The PRI and the PAN will divide the majority vote. And AMLO will win with about 42%. The youth vote, AMLO seems to have their attention. The anti PRI marches by the university young are winds of change to a old corrput systum. Come July 1st 2012, Mexico will suprise the world when AMLO wins the Mexican presidency."

believe me you don't want to be down that weekend...it could be trouble so why risk it if you can do the week before or the week after?
I could see there being some trouble if Peña Nieto wins, but if AMLO wins you still think there would be trouble? Also, road blockages probably, but I doubt there would be any widespread violence in a place like PP. In Mexico City - definitely.


Pan free market conservatives but just ran Mexico into the ditch with the Drug War.....no chance
PRI Chicago Style old school.... same old same old
AMLO on the left.not Chavez more like Brazil or Argentina leadership. change for better or worse

Obrador backers think 2006 was heisted from them and if it is close again and they lose it could be problematic.


Lovin it in RP!
We were in Mexico City when AMLO lost......he paid 100's of thousands of people to camp in the DF, We stayed in the DF, we listened to the speeches of the ilk of AMLO. We walked around there with no problem. We had a great vacation despite what the media blew up as a hostile situation. Maybe we are just fortunate but we must be hitting on all 8 cylinders cuz we have never had a problem with our Mexican people. EVER! I think the prediction of gloom and doom is all that much BS. Politics is dirty and gross anywhere in the world.


I agree with Jerry, though. People felt the election was stolen from AMLO in 2006 - if it happens again there could definitely be trouble in the larger cities.


I thought I read during the last election Obrador was against foreigners from owning property, but I can't seem to find anything about that on the internet- any input?

GV Jack

Snorin God
Thanks Jerry, I have a better understanding, but

Jerry said, " PRI Chicago Style old school.... same old same old"

Do they have a Cook County in Mexico????


Miramar I have heard he wants a Swiss style solution ... foreigners can own one and only one vacation property....

I thought I read during the last election Obrador was against foreigners from owning property, but I can't seem to find anything about that on the internet- any input?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Elections are Sunday, July 1st. That means Mexico will be dry June 29th, 30th and July 1st. Plan accordingly.