A reminder about accidently crossing with a gun


I don't buy it. A marine is aware of location of his firearm all the time and there are huge signs that alert motorists that they are entering mexico, there are US customs standing there and watching you exit USA, it is not an accident.


I put the over/ under date of his release at 4 months...bet under...if anyone knows someone that lives in Tecate we could get him some commissary cash
I feel bad for home mainly because of his stupidity! Honestly, I don't even mean that negatively, I mean that at one point or another we were all 21 years old and invincible and drunk....hopefully none of us mistakenly drove into Tijuana to see the donkey-girl, lol! This poor kid is screwed, and I'm sure his treatment for PTSD is down the tubes. I believe that everyone knows not to bring or even dream of bringing a handgun into mexico it's just a HUGE no no and he possibly thought it was nothing and decided to stretch the limits and now he's totally screwed. I pray that someone helps him so life in a Mexican jail is not his future. Mom needs to contact all the congressmen and senators that she can and get a rally going! I'll sign! I think most people would readily try to help.
Like an idiot I have crossed with weapons in my car. I have left a shotgun in the backseat after quail hunting, actually drove across to drink one night in Aqua Prieta with a deer rifle hanging in the rear window and have accidentally left ammo behind the rear seat. Knowing I have used up all of my "odds" I am much more careful [and older] to make sure my truck is clean now.
When these things happen at the border, for both countries, how much simpler is it to just turn the person around and send them back and let the other country deal with it? I am aware of an incident that happened in Lukeville several years ago where a couple was making their first venture into Mexico and actually stopped and declared a handgun (properly registered) and wound up in prison for 5 months before being released. They had no evil intent. A lot of money was spent by their families for legal representation with abogados to get them released. I guess the Customs and Border patrol doesn't operate the same stop and harass checkpoint of people going to RP have to deal with at the TJ entry point or this kid would have been stopped before entering.
I agree. There are incidents where someone has been arrested for having spent cartridges in their car or truck. What a complete joke and truly a mockery of Mexican police and law to arrest someone over an innate piece of trash. I have always felt like both sides of the border are operated by a bunch of " Barney's" hoping to make their first big arrest. The problem is there is no Andy around to temper the over zealousness.


I look at it as another form of government fundraising. Not about right or wrong, all about money. Much like everything else in this corrupt world!


El Pirata
Poor guy, no one should be caught at the border without declaring a AR 15, acp 45 and a shotgun, He could of stopped the car in the USA and dialed 911 before he crossed, I guess what matters most is where the weapons were found.