About the beaches


Is scary but hard to believe. If it can be water transmitted they would know that already and we would all be dead shortly. the frightening thing about this is that we know so little about this virus and the guy in the top office does not inspire confidence. He has downplayed it from day1 and still does in lots of ways. Look what they did to that Navy captain.

If you want to communicate please used [email protected] as it is easier for me. Thanks. Trying to find a ride to town right now as all of my vehicles are in the middle of repairs. Lots of questions, hard to find answers.......... Is burrito Express still able to get mail? Are the taxi's running? etc. etc. Had a message from an older guy living alone in the Mirador with no vehicle !!............ There is no choice but to wait it out...
One thing the researchers have found is that the CV-19 (Not China Virus) is a close sibling of SAR's virus from 2003 (both are highly suspected to come from Bat's). Because of this treatments could come sooner vs later (est: Aug-Oct).
We're still looking at many more cases happening until then.
With the 100's of research teams working on this and a little luck something good can come from this.

Roberto, I'm in your boat about the lack of confidence in the top guy and the demotion of the Capt.

I just hope that the health services don't get over run by this and we peak before it does.

RP Life

Is scary but hard to believe. If it can be water transmitted they would know that already and we would all be dead shortly. the frightening thing about this is that we know so little about this virus and the guy in the top office does not inspire confidence. He has downplayed it from day1 and still does in lots of ways. Look what they did to that Navy captain.

If you want to communicate please used [email protected] as it is easier for me. Thanks. Trying to find a ride to town right now as all of my vehicles are in the middle of repairs. Lots of questions, hard to find answers.......... Is burrito Express still able to get mail? Are the taxi's running? etc. etc. Had a message from an older guy living alone in the Mirador with no vehicle !!............ There is no choice but to wait it out...
As of today 4/5/2020 the taxies are still running I saw them picking up people at Bodega Aurrera . The store is limiting one person per family to enter and for mail I don't know


Is Mexico's President go on local tv there talking about what's happening in Mexico. Like here.


Tough deal in taking taxis.

On one hand people need to get around. On the other hand, seems like a possible Petri dish as you would have no idea what the health status was of the dozens of prior passengers and whether somebody just sneezed all over the door handle, the seat, etc.

Br careful.


To Whomever feels it applies. I am on twice weekly conference calls for CDC updates. Let me simply say this..If you do not feel the the Coronavirus is real, or that it is not a big deal, you are simply a fool waiting to die. Your choice, but please don't go killing others by not heeding the warnings about distancing yourself from others, washing your hands and wearing a mask when in public.


To Whomever feels it applies. I am on twice weekly conference calls for CDC updates. Let me simply say this..If you do not feel the the Coronavirus is real, or that it is not a big deal, you are simply a fool waiting to die. Your choice, but please don't go killing others by not heeding the warnings about distancing yourself from others, washing your hands and wearing a mask when in public.
Me and the family are doing this. Distancing and the rest. I only go into stores.

Found this on the net this morning. Very interesting to read.
My initial thought was this is just BS, I am an avid paddle boarder (I have so many that I have a " paddle board" trailer), I am sure that the mass of water is so huge...blabla (my reptilian brain was in full swing). Then I read the article and my mammalian brain said to the reptilian one: "hey bonehead, shut up and learn!"

Thank you AZRob!

There is no liberal media, conservative media, etc. The real enemy is ignorance, take over your reptilian and ignorant (part of the) brain!
They divided us!


After a Georgia Mayor Closed Beaches to Stop Crowds, the Governor Reopened Them.

It wasn't that big of a store yet to post link. I just cant under stand what is going thru peoples heads. Must be all about the $$$$$$$.
To Whomever feels it applies. I am on twice weekly conference calls for CDC updates. Let me simply say this..If you do not feel the the Coronavirus is real, or that it is not a big deal, you are simply a fool waiting to die. Your choice, but please don't go killing others by not heeding the warnings about distancing yourself from others, washing your hands and wearing a mask when in public.
You do realize the mortality rate of the Chinese virus is estimated to be less than 1% right? Your waiting to die hyperbole is irresponsible and is just fanning the hysteria and panic. People 60 and under without compromised immune systems have almost nothing to worry about. Much like the common flu that we deal with EVERY year. The common flu causes between 20,000 and 60,000 deaths in the US every year.
QueenOK, 1% really not right.

Well the death rate of the CV-19 virus is 7.164%. 1,032,000 as in (Million) total cases with 73,932 deaths so far and counting.
1,032,000 X .07164% = 73,932
20-60K Flu deaths in the US per year, sad but it happens. But then you're count, is looking in the rear view mirror after it has passed.
(Maybe changing peoples hygiene habit's will reduce this greatly, next season) Hummmm?

These CV-19 numbers don't include the many who probably have or had it and people's deaths who weren't counted
because we didn't have tests available to determine if CV-19 was involved in-spite of being told we had plenty by the politicians.
Also we're in the beginning of this nightmare and until the testing gets rolled out massively, we just won't know.

In Italy, Spain and other places, if you died at home you weren't tested and not included in the official CV-19 count,

Look at the final numbers after CV-19, runs it's course and you could be be singing a different tune.
Hopefully much less than H1N1 (swine flu) which is said to have killed up to 575,000 world wide.
QueenOK, 1% really not right.

Well the death rate of the CV-19 virus is 7.164%. 1,032,000 as in (Million) total cases with 73,932 deaths so far and counting.
1,032,000 X .07164% = 73,932
20-60K Flu deaths in the US per year, sad but it happens. But then you're count, is looking in the rear view mirror after it has passed.
(Maybe changing peoples hygiene habit's will reduce this greatly, next season) Hummmm?

These CV-19 numbers don't include the many who probably have or had it and people's deaths who weren't counted
because we didn't have tests available to determine if CV-19 was involved in-spite of being told we had plenty by the politicians.
Also we're in the beginning of this nightmare and until the testing gets rolled out massively, we just won't know.

In Italy, Spain and other places, if you died at home you weren't tested and not included in the official CV-19 count,

Look at the final numbers after CV-19, runs it's course and you could be be singing a different tune.
Hopefully much less than H1N1 (swine flu) which is said to have killed up to 575,000 world wide.
Don’t waste your time responding