Adopt-A-Classroom of Rocky Point Rubber Ducky Race July 4th

Hola Amigos,

Barb and I have been out hustling prizes for our First Annual Rubber Ducky Race to support our Adopt-A-Classroom project here in Rocky Point, Puerto Penasco, Mexico...

the link below is to a video list of spectacular prizes being given away on Race Day July 4th, 2008

watch this--->

You can see what Adopt-A-Classroom of Rocky Point is all about by visiting our website at the link below...

go there--->

Please tell your friends and JOIN US in our quest to HELP the needy children of the barrios giving them the simplest of learning tools they need for an opportunity to get the education they deserve...

the war against poverty begins with education...
This all came about kind of fast... we were asked if we could use 1000 Rubber Ducks for the kids? So a race was the best way we could think of to put them to use...

Our original thought was to see if we could get permission to use the Lazy River at Los Polomas. They liked the idea but unfortunately it was too short of a notice to get approval from all the owners... hopefully we can get the O.K. for next years event...

So now we go to "Plan B" Mi amigo Rick Hammer has quite a bit of knowlege in anchoring bouys and lines from working at Lake Pleasant, and he is currently working on a safety zone in front of the Sonoran Spa, so we are going to do some test runs with the tidal currents, and the use of zoning bouys.

Another option we are going to test will be out in Cholla Bay there is a natural channel that drains the estuaries and marshland at the back side of the bay, hopefully this will have a good enough flow to run a race.

We are open to any suggestions and we will happily accept any assistance if anyone would care to volunteer their time on race day. We will need track officials to keep spectators from walking or swimming off with the Duckys, and we'll need someone to perform urinanalysis on the winning Duckys, just to make sure their not juiced up for this race. (joking about the testing but will accept any support on race day)

Anyone with kayaks that will be down on July 4th would be of great help to... head em up... move em out... keep those Duckys moving... Rawhide...