Any Events which would make hotels packed next week? (Tues-Thurs)

Are there any big events happening which would cause the hotels to be booked up or
especially full next week, (10th-13th)?


Well there's the RP Talk Rumble in the alley behind Guau Guau but that's tomorrow the 7th so it should not have too much effect.

Actually I don't think much is going on, although there are a lot of tourists in town. I'd call some hotels to check on availability.
Thanks...if anyone knows of anything please is why. We usually get a hotel room when we get there, but i thought I would check expedia just for the heck of it...and it showed no availability at Laos Mar and only a few
Rooms at Playa Bonita. i think something is wrong with that though. I find it hard to believe they are maxed out midweek unless there is a really big event...right?
Speaking with my local friends it seems that Penasco has become a prime destination many Mexican Nationals are taking their families on summer vacation to.
That is what happens when the middle class increases like it has in Mexico.
I looked on playa bonitas direct website and they dont have any rooms at Laos Mar for those dates and only 1 room left at Playa Bonita that's $89.00 a night. Looks like it's going to be a good weekend to go down.:gradea:


Lovin it in RP!
I was in Hermosillo all weekend and Puerto Penasco is what they are all talking about. There are scheduled buses pretty much everyday of the week from Hermosillo and even as far south as Obregon but those are only a few a month. This place is fast becoming the resort for the locals in Sonora and thats just fine by me. It is great for the local economy, it is great for the tour organizers in Hermosillo and points south and its great for the Mexican families who can now afford a vacation within their own country thanks to the tour operators taking the lead in bringing people here. A typical bus trip from Hermosillo to Penasco for 3 days 2 nights is about 1300 pesos per person including transportation and rooms. It may not include fancy rooms but the folks dont seem to mind since they spend most of their time on the beach. The economy is buzzing in Hermosillo as well as Obregon, heck most of Sonora is doing pretty well. So its nice to see (from my perspective) the tour groups coming. I wouldnt assume that just because there is no USA holiday on the weekend that there will be rooms available any more. If I were to plan a trip here I would certainly plan ahead and not assume. (if I wanted a hotel/condo reservation)