


OK..I have just about had it with the RP bashing. I just went off on all the ignorant idiots. I may have fudged(only when discussing the fisherman protest from a few years back), but my God, if one more person says one more negative thing, I just might go postal! I can't believe actually think they are in danger when traveling to Penasco. I wouldnt make such a big deal if it wasn't killing our precious town and it's good people... Ok..had to get that off my chest.

here is the link to the article about spring break ... 69/content
Just heard from some friends who own a bar down on the is terrible. They've been depending on the spring breakers....after the lousy winter they've, it hasn't been happening! I'm sure the bad press Mexico has gotten from the papers/university administrations hasn't helped. Probably the economy has something to do with it also.


I'm thinking the economy must be a large factor. I live in Laughlin which is 99.9% tourist supported. You can literally roll a cannon ball through any of the casino parking lots without hitting anything of value. There have been numerous lay-offs and hours have been cut back for service employees. Bad press can't be blamed entirely for the shortage of business. It appears that times are tough everywhere.


I am sure the economy has some hand in this but almost daily I hear someone say they either cancelled a trip to PP or they are astonished that I would go to such a dangerous place. My daughter in law who comes with us on many trips to PP told me she heard "all the morgues in Mexico are filled to capacity" Now really, is everyone in Mexico dying faster than they can be buried??? This is crazy. :shock:
Aaarrrrrggggghhhhhh! My eyes!

Well, the comments following that story in the AZ newspaper got my dander up big time and I was all set to post a hot response, but by the time I got to the end of them I felt like I needed to wash my eyes out and I just backed out in disgust. What a lot of poop and circumstance from a bunch of ignorant people. Facts and hard data are not going to change their minds.

One comment about the "LIBERAL" media being to blame did make me chuckle a bit though. "Liberal", as in Fox News, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and CNN's Lou Dobbs, among others who have been trashing Mexico daily? hahahahaha There's plenty of media blame to go around, but it ain't all "liberal".

When the media shows footage from Juarez then mentions a place like RP or San Felipe, Baja in the same breath, what are people supposed to think? Frankly, I seriously doubt that most "reporters" or talking heads have any idea where any given city or town in Mexico is (other than maybe Cancun, Cabo or Vallarta), much less know anything about them, and I wonder how many of them could even find Juarez, Tijuana or Nogales on a map-- much less RP.

God forbid that even one Spring Breaker so much as stubs a little toe in Mexico this year...

'Scuse me while I go wash my eyes. :roll:


bahiatrader said:
I'm thinking the economy must be a large factor. I live in Laughlin which is 99.9% tourist supported. You can literally roll a cannon ball through any of the casino parking lots without hitting anything of value. There have been numerous lay-offs and hours have been cut back for service employees. Bad press can't be blamed entirely for the shortage of business. It appears that times are tough everywhere.
Not complaining too much about that. Just checked rates and it appears they aren't going to hose me for the 4th of July weekend as they did the last few years.
Laughlin shoots themselves in the foot. When room rates were cheap I went up to 2 weekends a month in the summer plus one week for the 4th. When they started hosing I cut that down to once or twice a year. It's not like I'm going to gamble 10x as much if I go less.
Greed is going to ruin Laughlin just like it has in Rocky Point. They forget the reasons it is attractive to go there: cheap rooms, good water, lax drinking regulations, cheap food and lower table limits than Vegas.

Well I guess the fireworks show will be mediocre this year unfortunately.


I agree with you whole-heartedly about Laughlin. The casino management is feudal to say the least. We live here, and know the ropes, but some people end up paying through the nose. My wife still works in the casinos. She comes home constantly bitching and amazed at the stupid tricks management pulls. I worked in the casinos myself for a while. I only go there now for the free meals and some occasional poker just for entertainment.
There is some bad stuff going on in Mexico, just like in the States. No better or worse. My nephew who is in the Coast Guard is something of a hero. He was instrumental in bringing down a huge drug lord in 2006. His mom sent me photos of unbelievably huge quantities of US currency that was siezed. He received numerous citations from The Coast Guard and a certificate of appreciation from the DEA. He was also reportedly put on a Mexican Mafia hit list. He was spirited away and transfered to points unknown. He might be in Alaska or Norfolk, VA (not!) but I imagine he's still looking over his shoulder with one hand close to his shoulder holster. Whatever you may think of me, I am on speaking terms with members of the so-called Mafia Mexicano. Them are some bad dudes. So was Gotti, so was Capone, so was Ted Bundy, Son of Sam, etc., etc. It's just part of the screwed up world we're living in. Keep your powder dry and your eyballs skinned wherever you are. We ain't in Kansas, Toto.


"so was Ted Bundy, Son of Sam, etc., etc. It's just part of the screwed up world we're living in. Keep your powder dry and your eyballs skinned wherever you are. We ain't in Kansas, Toto"

A girl I met and travel through Greece and Turkey in 86 was the sister of Ted Bundy's loyal girlfriend. He'd leave the house in Utah and she'd occasionally find duct tape and a shovel in the trunk when he returned.Still she just didn't believe he was the evil bastard he was. Reminds me of supporters of a certain ex president from texas.


That's just rude Jerry! Bush & Ted Bundy? Come on!

But I guess Obama supporters are probably having the same issues with what he has been doing lately LOL.


We love the country, we love people, and are in awe of the founding of this country and its blessings by God and the recognition in our founding documents that we were all created with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. We conservatives see all three of those things under assault. We in this audience want the best for every American. We want everyone to succeed. We do not want our country to fail, and we do not want individual citizens to fail. Against that knowledge, understanding, and given, here we have an administration which is implementing policies that are anathema to the founding of the country, in our view, my view. We have an administration implementing policies that are destructive to the way this country was founded, they are destructive to the opportunities for happiness and prosperity that this country has provided for 230 years, and we're alarmed by it. I see that a lot of other people are alarmed by it, too, but they don't have the guts to say so per se because they are afraid of having happen to them what has been happening to me with the White House and the media trying to destroy them or ruin their reputations or what have you.

So they're cowed and they have to say, "Ooh, we love the guy, love the family, ah, it's so wonderful, I voted for the guy. (whispering) His policies are disastrous. But we voted for him." Well, to me, this is not about hero worship, and it's not about anything historical to do with his election. He's all our presidents now. His policies are what matter, doesn't matter anything else as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't get a pass on implementing policies that destroy the nation's past and its founding simply because he's new, historic, a young, smart guy, lovable, and likable. Look past those things because it's the people of the country I'm concerned about. It is the country itself I'm concerned about, not a single individual. Debra Saunders, columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, sent me a note during the program yesterday, and I got around to answering it afterwards. She wanted to take up this whole "I want him to fail" business. She asked, "Could you send me the original statement when you first said this?" And I said, "Sure." It was January 16th, it was a Friday, the top of the last hour of the program. I said the same things then that I said now, just said to you. And I said, "Why would I want somebody who is antithetical to the nation's founding, to freedom and so forth, why would I want somebody to succeed in destroying that?" It's perfectly sensible.
My Friend Rush!


Submarine said:
That's just rude Jerry! Bush & Ted Bundy? Come on!

But I guess Obama supporters are probably having the same issues with what he has been doing lately LOL.
Submarine said:
That's just rude Jerry! Bush & Ted Bundy? Come on!

But I guess Obama supporters are probably having the same issues with what he has been doing lately LOL.

Still sore Sub :D What, were you looking forward to loosing a few more constitutional rights on the way to your union meetings :? ... The Reds would love to break that union of yours, you must know that. You are sleeping with the enemy. :roll:

If you had a problem with that, you'll love this letter my neice sent me. By the way, she's a State Rep in Idaho.

Hey Uncle Ken,

I recently sent this letter to the editor (not sure if it was ever published).

"The war in Iraq was based on lies and resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children (depending on which reports you turn to for statistics). Soccer fields became graveyards, parents had their children return to them in a box, husbands and wives lost their spouses, children became orphans, and countless have suffered serious permanent damage to their psyche after witnessing (and perhaps perpetrating) murder, torture, and violence against humanity. A war based on lies is immoral, illegal, and unconscionable. We must hold those who are responsible accountable for their actions. They shall not be granted immunity in return for their confessions. The Bush Administration must be prosecuted. The foundation for that statement being the most basic principle our country was founded on...justice for all."

Peace and Love,



Not gonna happen, just wishful thinking in that writers mind.

Sure McCain was no friend of labor, politicians from Arizona rarely are. BUT he told it straight, or as straight as you're gonna get from a politician. I don't think the Obama administration will do any more for labor than the Clinton one did. I'd be surprised if we got anything close to the FMLA which was his crowning glory. But I'm not crying over spilled milk here. Everyone who voted for the lawyer are getting exactly what they voted for IMO. (I'm no Rush fan either) But please Obama, Prove Me Wrong!!! :|

I'm just wondering where the outcry is over the appointment of lobbyists, the earmarks and the spending. I'm about to tune out completely as I'm developing this chronic condition causing me to shake my head and mutter "you've got to be kidding" under my breath repeatedly. Hey, at least there are no more 'enemy combatants'. I'm sure everyone is breathing a huge sigh of relief over that one. :D


Not just McCain Sub, the party as a entity is opposed to unions, any labor movement. You're a smart guy Sub, that's a given, but how can you support a party that been breaking unions as a matter of course for years? I know from the time (years) that we have been together on this and the other forums that the union that you belong to has allowed you the means and freedom to enjoy PP to the extent that you do...How can you endorse a party that would take that away from you in a heartbeat? Some of the benefits that you have now, exceed what a lot of our auto workers are making now, and good for you. :sunny: .


This is good..


Wow! You guys really struck a chord for me. My dad was a staunch democrat and a loyal union supporter. Even though he was a licensed mechanical engineer, he was a loyal, member of pipefitters local 235 until the day he died. That made him a valuable man in his profession. He designed and helped install many multi-million dollar jobs. It was legal for him to jump down in a ditch and start cranking on a wrench where others couldn't. He did a lot too. I always though we were poor folk when I was growing up because my dad wore green or tan working man clothes and always kept his cars for two years before he got a new one. Our neighbors would wear suits and go to work in their brand new Chevrolets, while my dad drove his old Packards. He made more than twice as much as most of them, but he didn't believe in conspicuous consumption. He was a great dad to have even though we disagreed a lot. He respected my independence, but it pissed him off.
He went through the hard times in the thirties when unions were needed. He even went to jail for violence against strike breakers. That was always a bone of contention with us. Back then the unions were sorely needed for the abuse that was put upon labor. When the unions started getting power, they abused it as can be seen by history. When people get power, they always want more. I don't know if that can ever be changed. I vote for who I think will do the best job no matter what their party is. I imagine there will always be contention between management and labor. I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem when we support people who don't or have not pulled their own weight. If there were a Darwinian union, or party, I might consider joining, but I will remain independant until then. "To the world belong the strong, and the weak shall not survive." That's my philosophy.

El Feo

"To the world belong the strong, and the weak shall not survive." That's my philosophy.

I wonder how you would feel if you had a 'weak' child born?


El Pirata
Union Compassion
A man was sitting on a blanket at the beach. He had no arms and no legs.
Three women were walking past and felt sorry for the poor man.
The first woman said 'Have you ever had a hug?'
The man said 'No,' so she gave him a hug and walked on.
The second woman said, 'Have you ever had a kiss?'
The man said, 'No,' so she gave him a kiss and walked on.
The third woman came to him and said, 'Have you ever been cohido?'
The fellow's eyes lit up and with a big grin he said, 'No.'
She said, 'You will be when the tide comes in.'

Union Compassion


"I do have a problem when we support people who don't or have not pulled their own weight. If there were a Darwinian union, or party, I might consider joining, but I will remain independant until then. "To the world belong the strong, and the weak shall not survive." That's my philosophy."

Wow, I think you just need a big hug because I don't believe you really believe that comment

Az channeling Glen Beck vaguely hints at an army of rednecks reclaiming the country from the Nigra lovers who want an end to permanent war and a bit of Euro style social safety net(affordable day care,better education,right to join unions,return to Clinton era tax rates and most importantly a road to single pay health insurance.
I know az's brother a little and I'm glad he survived but in Baja and Chucks world a guy like him (useually no job or health insurance) would have been tossed out of the hospital unless his family paid the whole bill which would ruin anyone. I'm happy to help pay the bill he couldn't through my taxes because i even love knucklehead republicans man.


As a matter of fact, I do believe that comment. If someone is in trouble and are making an effort to pull their own weight I will help them to the best of my ability. I have done so in the past. If I had a weak child, I would try to make that child strong enough to cope with the world. If not, that's evolution. My dad had a weak child. I was one of the kids in the polio epidemic in the 50s. I was in bed for over a year and a half. The reason I have a larger vocabulary than most is because that was before there was much TV. I read everything I could get my hands on, including Webster's Complete Unabridged. I had to learn to walk again. When that wasn't working, I tried to run with even more disastrous results. That mean old SOB made me lift weights until I cried. The winter I was 12 years old I heated our entire house of six kids and two adults with a damned old cross cut saw and my little red wagon I took out in the woods to haul wood back. He started me out in martial arts and trampoline/tumbling classes when I was 12. By the time I was 13, I wasn't the biggest kid in the school, but I was damn sure the strongest, and nobody ever messed with me twice.
I was a distance runner and wrestler in high school. I couldn't sprint for sour owl manure because one leg was smaller and shorter than the other. My limp was hardly noticable before I got out of high school. I didn't go out for football or cross country because that's when hunting seasons were on, and I had priorities. I didn't have to walk uphill through the snow each way because we lived in a semi-affluent suburb in a temperate climate. I was lucky, and luck has played a large part in our existence. I rode a school bus when I chose not to ride my bike I earned my own money for or walk. I even carried a break-down rifle/shotgun over and under to school hidden in my coat and locker so I could hunt between home and school. I never got caught either. I was a weak child, but I had help from strong, nurturing parents. If I hadn't survived I wouldn't be around to blaspheme and call you guys a bunch if weak whimpering ninnies. That's evolution and I believe that's God's law, except that I'm not what you would call religious. How can our race become stronger if we allow a bunch of losers to reproduce? (Which they seem to be doing at an alarming rate.) Have we reached the apex of our own evolution by not allowing natural selection to continue? The world does belong to the strong. They just don't seem to be managing it very well at present.
To prevent any blind-side sucker punches that may be thrown as a result of what I am writing, I am neither a racist, nor do I consider myself a bigot. You can say anything you want or have any opinion you want. I'll stand toe to toe with anyone who thinks they want to change my opinion. It's been done before, and I've been beaten before, but not by any whimpering ninny that needs the support of unionism or Marxism. (I also read Das Kapital) That's my weltanschauung. I wonder what percentage of readers of this forum will have to look that word up, and how many actually will. Yes, I do believe what I said.