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Tom the Surfcaster
Hey all you Sea of Cortez salty dogs! I am heading south for my fall fling at the Corvina around
Santo Tomas. I will post a trip report upon my return. I plan to take more stringer shots this time (if it is one of those kind of trips). I hope all the 1/2 to 1 1/2 pounders from May grew up and are waiting for me. Sorry I haven't been around much, but I just have not been able to go south much this year. Thanks as always to all of you great folks for your news and info updates to help me plan my trip! Tight lines!


Tom the Surfcaster
Well I had hoped for crazy hot action like last May but the Corvina did not cooperate this time. We had calm seas and sticky weather throughout our trip. Day one only three hook ups no fish landed. Day two one great half hour put twenty fish in the bucket, then a few every hour put in ten more. Day three only netted four fish in many hours of fishing. If you divide all that by seven guys throwing thousands of casts it was so-so at best. When we have to buy FISH there is no point in putting up pictures of a few Corvina (one three pound four two and the rest smaller). I honestly never got excited enough to get out my camera except when we crossed the Rio Sonoyta twice, but I was driving that time.

On a very highly positive note, we ate at the new restaurant in Alvaro Obregon (the farming pueblo you drive through on the way to Santo Tomas). I rate that as one of the all time best dining experiences of my life (and I have eaten at 5 star resorts and hotels). The woman cooked in San Francisco until she and family were deported. She served seven courses and all were flavorful and well prepared. If you are in Santo Tomas you must try this place! There is no menu, she just makes what she feels with what is fresh and local. Cost about 10 bucks per person. Bring your own beer and sodas.


Tom the Surfcaster
PS on the restaurant La Costera is the name.

Ask the guards to let them know you are coming or ask around town to find it and leave a note on the door like we did. They are open sporadically. It is on the same street as the Market and about 3 blocks further away from the Costera and towards Santo Tomas. There is a small sign on the Costera that is easy to miss, and there is no sign on the restaurant unless it is open. She will open up for you anytime if you can get the word to her.