Bird's Eye View of BP Oil Blowout.


This thing is a disaster for the whole gulf. This company has wells in the North Sea and are required to have special shutoffs installed before they can even start. Why was this never implemented here? This is crap!! Besides all the wildlife, birds and fish that will die a slow death because of this, the fishermen will pretty much be put out of business (this will affect the whole gulf for at least a decade), the tourist season is going to be non existant thru all those gulf states, the money that this will take will probably tank the rest of the US economy. I think the Valdeez disaster in Alaska will look like a drop in a bucket compared to this mess. Its really sad.


This thing is a disaster for the whole gulf. This company has wells in the North Sea and are required to have special shutoffs installed before they can even start. Why was this never implemented here? This is crap!! Besides all the wildlife, birds and fish that will die a slow death because of this, the fishermen will pretty much be put out of business (this will affect the whole gulf for at least a decade), the tourist season is going to be non existant thru all those gulf states, the money that this will take will probably tank the rest of the US economy. I think the Valdeez disaster in Alaska will look like a drop in a bucket compared to this mess. Its really sad.
It should go without saying that our congress is bought and paid for through 'campaign contributions', very much to our detriment, as you state in your post. Some elected officials are actually representing big businesses in spite of being elected to represent 'we the people'.


The USA has 2% of the worlds oil reserve.We make up 5% of the worlds population and use over 20% of the worlds oil supply (peaking out). So this drill baby drill stuff that idiot from Alaska is always yammering about and the corporate lackey Obama's new off-shore drilling fetish are basically a waste of time.Either we get going big time with wind or solar or everyone better get used to walking to the beer store.


man if this gets to the Florida Keys(where i wasted a great year in my late 20's) it will really be a bummer.Hope you are right about peak oil......

... so now some truth is leaking out. How long a go do you think BP knew this was not sweet crude? The heavy crude does not reach the surface but three oil slicks miles long and 300 feet deep have been discovered, starting at 2000 feet below the surface. Heavy crude does not float unlike sweet.

"Vernon Asper, a professor of marine science at the University of Southern Mississippi, said in an interview with NPR that one is at about 2300 feet, another at about 3,300 feet and a third at about 4,300 feet. They're about 100 meters thick. They measure about four to five miles wide and about 10 to 15 miles long."

And the "Peak oil" is another lie brought to you by the Oil oligopolies and Goldman sacks. Rest assured this reserve is a pin drop in the vast reserves in the Gulf of Mexico. This exploratory well was just on the edge and the current PSI was calculated at 70,000 vs the best Blow out preventer BOPs at 15,000PSI. This is a gusher. Watch Oil and gasoline prices descend as outsiders now enter to explain and suddenly find the hidden truth behind "Peak Oil".


Can you believe this???

Defenders of Wildlife Since the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill in the Gulf of Mexico -- and with no explanation -- the federal Minerals Management Service has authorized over 20 new categorical exclusions for exploratory oil drilling operations in the Gulf, at least eight of which would be at depths deeper than the Deepwater Horizon. Yesterday, we filed suit to stop them. Staff Attorney Siera Weaver explains the case in this short video...

Defenders Challenges Minerals Management Service's complicity in Gulf oil disaster Defenders of Wildlife Staff Attorney Sierra Weaver discusses the lawsuit brought by Defenders and the Southern Environmental Law Center. The suit alleges continued lax oversight of oil drilling operations, ...


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Everybody knows Obama blew up the oil well 'cuz he hates off-shore drilling and simply wanted a reason for government to take charge of the oil industry and oil exploration. I mean, what, you didn't know that? The explosion on the rig was a torpedo hit from the submarine USS Birmingham, which just "conveniently" happened to be conducting exercises in the area at the time.

<cue black helicopters and tin foil hats>
Maybe if Obama and his staff had spent less time ramming the Health Care Reform bill down our throats, they would have had time to examine policies put in place by those damn Republicans which are destroying our environment, and might have prevented this mishap!!!:evil::stir::rofl:

BTW....where is FEMA in this fiasco? Oh wait, this wasn't a hurricane!!!
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