Cel phone use driving


Friend of mine got pulled over in Sonoyta for cel use driving, shook him down for $40, anyone else got experience with this? Cop said it's illegal in Mexico.

The Man

They will use anything to pull over a gringo, to get some money out of them!
One time there, they stopped me for excessive speeding with a old
radar gun! Ha, it showed 86 mph yes, 86 not kilometers! They tried to give me
a ticket for going down a one way (2 way street)! And one time I was
speeding going down that grade where the stop sign is, and where they want donations, not paying attention that I was going about 20 kl over the speed limit, there were 5 cops standing there, and pulled me over. One cop walked about 40 ft away were I stopped past them. But everytime I got stopped they wanted money to fix it! Funny thing I don't know how, in English, I always talked, my way out of not paying! I think I talked them to death, then they let me go on, without paying! Really! But one day my luck will run out! Anything they say is illegal, that they can get money out of you!
This was on Facebook

a mobile device (such as a cell phone) is also prohibited while driving in many parts of Mexico, including Mexico City, and violators may be fined.


I don't hear anyone defending cel phones and driving, but why is it we are one of the few states that allow it in AZ.Anytime you are behind someone driving like an a hole you can bet they're on the phone. Big fines in Central America also.


OK, given that we all hate cel phone use while driving, we all have done it or do it because its still legal in our constipated state, is it legal in Sonora or not? I see that its illegal in parts of Mexico but don't see anything specific to Sonora.