cheap house


Mirador area ocean view and walk to the beach. $99K to $127K 2 Bed 2 Bath. PM me for details if interested.


Sonoran Spa 2 bedroom oceanfront condo. $169,000. No maintenance and 24/7 security. Onsite restaurant, bar, convenience store, fitness center, computer center, spa, pools, jacuzzis, etc. In my experience, if you live here full time, a house is preferrable. If you only come once in awhile, a condo is much easier to maintain and won't get robbed when you're not here. You can also put it in the rental pool when you are not here to help with the bills. JMHO...


AKA Carnac
Jim, sorry but you always shoot yourself in the foot, example Lopez Aceves, in one post you said its an ejido, be careful and that you fought 4 years for a title to one piece of land and then in another post you put 20 lots in Lopez for sale. You are a realtor and promoter of Penasco and basically what you are telling azfish is to not buy a house because its going to get robbed. If he buys a condo he would also get robbed but not by burglars.


Lopez Acevez is ejido but I've gotten private title to 3 different parcels there. Houses don't have the security that the condo projects have and houses require much more maintance by the owner. Look at the threads of Las Conchas owners getting robbed. How many posts have you seen of a condo owner being robbed? To each their own but don't tell me that I contradict myself. I agree that some of the condo projects are in deep trouble right now but the Sonorans are not one of them. Talk to the other owners before you buy anywhere.


AKA Carnac
Jim, a part of Lopez is no longer an ejido, its has been privatized (thats why you have your titles) if its still an ejido then so is the Mayan Palace and Laguna Shores and a big part of the city of Rocky Point. I didn't say you contradicted yourself I said you shoot yourself in the foot. In the ( page 7) Lopez thread you posted you had 20 lots for 5000.00 each and then here you say you only have title to 3 parcels. So whats up with that?
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Jim at the top of the bubble what did they go for?
On a side note I did a walk through inspection for a guy looking at a house in Playa Miramar....The place was pretty rough but when he mentioned the propane bill I thought it sounded high.We went outside and thanks to the recent winds an a little digging found out the neighbor that 'watched' the place had hooked up to their tank(they figure for 6 years plus!).We disconnected him and I have not heard of any murders out that way so I guess the shit hasn't hit the fan yet.
Sonoran Spa 2 bedroom oceanfront condo. $169,000. No maintenance and 24/7 security. Onsite restaurant, bar, convenience store, fitness center, computer center, spa, pools, jacuzzis, etc. In my experience, if you live here full time, a house is preferrable. If you only come once in awhile, a condo is much easier to maintain and won't get robbed when you're not here. You can also put it in the rental pool when you are not here to help with the bills. JMHO...


AKA Carnac
One of the parcels is an entire hectare and I split it into 20 good sized lots.
If thats what you did and didn't for whatever reason finish up the paperwork on the subdivision, because the privatized part of Lopez (titles) were released in 3 parts at 3 differnt times some of the roads (legal access) are not shown on the titles of the 1 hectare parcels and the city of Penasco will not accept these subdivisions as shown on the titles for example 6 of my hectares show access on three sides and where they join the smaller properties they only say pequenas propiedades it was a huge problem but my engineer finally got it fixed. If you check your titles and they dont say accesso on all 4 sides you can still split them but can only make lots where there is legal access. If you need help I will give you the number of my engineer. There is legal access but the city wont acknowledge it because it doesn't say it on the titles.
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AKA Carnac
The ejido probably is in litigation all of them (ejidos) are in constant litigation usually by people that feel shorted or didn't get thier fair share. It never affects the privatized properties. Lagrimas is in constant litigation but it doesn't affect Laguna Shores or the 2000 infonavit houses right before the turn off to the new road. Miramar is also in litigation but it doesn't affect the Mayan Palace. My point is my name isn't Ejido Lopez Aceves all our stuff has titles and we are not in court. Sue the ejido all you want I hope you win


This part of Lopez Acevez is already divided up with streets bordering all four sides of each hectare therefore there is already legal access all around. The maps have not been updated but it is legal. I had my lawyer take care of all the details. Thanks for the thought. Jerry, I don't think that area was much of a thought during the bubble. The coastal highway hadn't been completed yet and access was very difficult then.


I really don't know all the details and I think this battle will probably finally by my grand kids kids so all I know is it is in litigation. My wife's sister died of cancer but her kids still have the paperwork and a lot of people want it.


AKA Carnac
I really don't know all the details and I think this battle will probably finally by my grand kids kids so all I know is it is in litigation. My wife's sister died of cancer but her kids still have the paperwork and a lot of people want it.
I saw your sister in law Francisca's news in the paper. It is in litigation but I am not sure with who or whom. If they have a valid reason good luck.
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Miramar is in litigation? Playa Miramar isn't in litigation- possibly Miramar North or they call "Miramar Beachside (not beachside, north of the road)? Unless you know something I don't.


AKA Carnac
North of the highway where there are now about 20000 lots including the Monte Vista project that was talked about in a different thread, I think its still Miramar but I have been wrong before. Also C. Duran and 5 others had a suit against other ejiditarios and may or may not have settled. My point wasn't so much to talk about lawsuits but to point out that they seldom if ever affect privatized land. We have a 27 acre piece of land that has beachfront (1 parcel over from Playa Mia) and a house in ejido Las Lagrimas, they are in constant litigation and what they do has never affected me. I should talk, we are involved in litigations in Cholla, Las Conchas and were involved in Mirador. (We won that one finally.)
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AKA Carnac
What area has the lowest price houses near the water? How much do they start at?
Buy a cheap lot from Roberto $7950.00 w/ terms or a $5000.00 lot from Jim both are near the ocean and may have ocean veiws if you buy Robertos binoculars. Then order 1 or 2 of these from $7520.00 each they even come with the floor if you do the work yourself thats a small near the ocean beach cabana for under $25000.00.CabanaDecklg.jpg P.S. You, dont need to buy the kit you can duplicate it yourself for under $4000.00. See my biograghy 30 years in lumber and building business. If you decked it out like a palapa house it would really be nice.
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Buy a cheap lot from Roberto $7950.00 w/ terms or a $5000.00 lot from Jim both are near the ocean and may have ocean veiws if you buy Robertos binoculars. Then order 1 or 2 of these from $7520.00 each they even come with the floor if you do the work yourself thats a small near the ocean beach cabana for under $25000.00.View attachment 2224 P.S. You, dont need to buy the kit you can duplicate it yourself for under $4000.00. See my biograghy 30 years in lumber and building business. If you decked it out like a palapa house it would really be nice. My minimalist cabana/co-housing plan in Santo Tomas is being put together ...I now have a guy that wants to do the first one...