Chlorinated Water

Does anyone know if the city water supply has been treated. Years ago we would never dare drink the water but today if you filter it with a good system (not RO system) how safe is it. I have always brushed my teeth with city water with no problems maybe just lucky. Tired of carrying water bottles from town for drinking.


The water is absolutely pure and has been for many years. The problem with the water is it has too much flouride in it and causes young growing teeth to turn brown, even after it has been treated. It is perfectly safe for adults. Be aware, if it goes through any kind of cisturn or holding tank, it is unpotable water.
They chlorinate the lines, as I ran readings to see as to how many charcoal pre filters I need for my RO plant, to get the CL out. They can be overcome with cl and in a short while the cl will just run thru. The problem is breaks in the line, as ya see around town. Mostly the small household lines the people put in, from their house to the main line,,is a lot of the bad water problems in RP. They use thin wall plastic pvc pipes to save costs, or don't dig them deep enought to the main line for the city to connect. A break or leak will occur and when city water pressure is low, or when ya get no water, then the pressure builds up, it can suck germs and water up back into into the water line, to your house. Generally the city has good water from deep wells.

I just use a CL injection system to treat the ups and downs, and a CL filter to remove all the CL. And drink out of the tap.

So to get back to your question, yes they treat the water at RP! But, as landshark said, the little critters in the tanks are a good source of protein! You really don't think there not in some US water systems!

Basically if you have a CL tester, test at your sink, and it shows a residue of CL, you can drink the water. But, if ya don't check daily, something like a break or leak up line can cause the CL to be used all up, and that's when ya have or may have bad water.

So RP has good water (drinkable) at the start, but down line problems can cause harm to you. Generally it's ok to brush your teeth with the tap I also know many RV people who hook up to the water and use it for everything in the rv, drinking and cooking and so forth.

Sometimes when people get the poops, they may blaim the water, but may be the food eating out.

I know people who use Brita water pitchers and other ones with filters inside. They test the water from those devices and it is as pure as anything else.


I know people who use Brita water pitchers and other ones with filters inside. They test the water from those devices and it is as pure as anything else.
That is the best bet for good drinking water. I brush my teeth with out of the tap and Its all good never got sick, boil it to cook all good. But it sits in holding tanks which could after time get funky in there. So be safe. If you don't have fresh flowing water you cant get the funk out of the system. I would boil it then put in frig. Pure fresh clean water for sure.
cook it be safe US or Mexico.:stir:


Does it filter out bacteria? That's the thing that worries me. You get some of the bad stuff and it gets brutal.
I have water tanks on my house and if I am there a lot other than summer the water is pretty good. I pump it through 2 filters, course and fine. I brush my teeth with it and use it for cooking, After a summer without use it will go bad, I just add a small amount of liquid chlorine and use them for showers and such until I get a fresh load. For drinking I get RO water refills from a few of the water stores, never had a problem. I also never put my limes into my beer bottle only the juice. I also wash the limes I buy at the store just to be sure especially during the warm months.


I am with hill boy. I have purchased a 3 filter system and think it will be fine as long as you turn over the water and have your tank cleaned annually. RO wastes too much water when you have to have it trucked in. I hate to admit it, but I am getting older and hate lugging those 5 gal bottles to the dispenser. Also I want ice!! Totally agree with the lime rinds.
If you want to treat the water in those big black water tanks so you can drink from, get a good
ten or twenty micron water filter going in from main city water....also get
an ozone generator, ya can pick up on line, and run the ozone line into your water tank and run a vent pipe from the
tank to the outside. Then ya ready to go, Drink up!
